The Shaving Cadre

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The 2023 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

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"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
2020 and 2021 were pretty rough! And just when we thought 2022 was going to be better, it reared up and kicked our butts again! 2023 HAS to be our year!

I know many of us had some great losses last year, but for one reason or another many of us gained much of it back. Whether it's snacking hard, because you work from home or because you are chained to your desk all day and you find yourself making poor decisions, or maybe you just found it hard to continue your diet without the accountability that The Cadre Challenge provided. Well, 2023 is the year we turn this around... FOR GOOD! This time, the challenge will LAST THE ENTIRE YEAR!


Are you interested in getting in better shape and dropping a few pounds/inches, or just getting in better shape and feeling healthier? I know a lot of us are, but sometimes motivation is a problem, and many of us do not have a good support network to help keep us motivated to succeed. Well, look no further…. The Shaving Cadre is here to help! The Cadre will band together for The Third Annual Weight Loss Challenge, to encourage & support each other to push thorough to meet our goals. We will be here to motivate each other through our stalls/setbacks, and celebrate with each other in our successes! We want everyone to succeed with their goals and get as healthy as possible in 2023!

The 2023 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

How it works:

*Any member of The Shaving Cadre is eligible and encouraged to participate.

*This Challenge will last 12 months. We want to try to keep each other motivated and thinking about fitness all year long.

*There will be monthly weigh-ins, and top "losers" announced, based on percentage of weight lost. Cadre member’s weights will not be made public (only percentage lost), unless the individual wants to share that information themselves.

*This time we're not competing for prizes. Just for glory and knowing that we are doing what we can to get healthy and hopefully staying healthy for years to come.

*At the end of the year, there will be special recognition for those who were able to stick to it the whole time, and to those who lost the most!

*Initial weigh-in will be due Jan 1st thru 5th. With subsequent weigh-ins due by the 5th of every month.

*If you do not discover this thread until after Jan 1st, you can still join, at ANY time throughout the year. It’s never a bad time to get focused on your health. PM me (@Spider ), for details.

*Your active participation in this thread is greatly appreciated. The playful banter and camaraderie in this thread is half the fun in this challenge, and will only serve to keep people motivated and keep thinking about their goals. Any tips, tricks, or encouragement is welcome from anyone, even if you are not participating.

Weigh-In Details

* After signing up, you will be granted permission to see a behind the scenes weightloss section like we used in the 2021 & 2022 challenges. This area makes it easier to post your weight and keep it more private. With the caveat, like last time, that anyone who shares personal info on the public forum or in other places such as someone's weight will result in a ban from TSC.

*Initial Weigh-In is due between Sunday, Jan 1st and Thursday, Jan 5th. If you sign up after Jan 5th, your initial weight will be due the day you join.

*Monthly weigh-ins are due between the last day of the previous month and the 5th of the new month (to allow flexibility in reporting). PM me if there are any extenuating circumstances preventing this.

*Weight should be taken using the same scale, at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes (to the maximum extent possible) to reduce variables and keep everything consistent. Ideally, weigh yourself first thing in the morning.

*I will create a new thread each month, in the private forum, requesting weights. Again, member’s weights will be kept PRIVATE.

*Weight will be submitted by taking a picture of your scale with your weight displayed and a piece of paper visible with your username and the current day’s date on it. (Be cognizant of any reflections in those glass scales please, LOL!)
Copy this list and add your name to sign up:

1. Spider
Hells to the yeahs!

Copy this list and add your name to sign up:

1. Spider
2. b1hart
3. dangerousdon
Oh...I know there are more of you that need to jump on this. I saw that thread where you all post what you eat! 🤪
1. Spider
2. b1hart
3. dangerousdon
5. Cvargo

@Spider just let me know who needs access to the back of the house thread
I'm in again.. I need the help.. I don't know how it's gonna go though.. I literally just had a new pizza oven delivered from Italy that can make 2 Napoletana pizzas at a time... I am gonna have to do some extra jumping jacks...

1. Spider
2. b1hart
3. dangerousdon
5. Cvargo
6. Milkcrate
7. global_dev
Thanks for the invite. I'm down a few pounds from the beginning of 2022 and I still would like to lose another 20#, but my weight loses are so slow that I really don't feel like I fit in to this group.

I've been posting my weight weekly in another group since April of 2018 on another shaving site and I'm down 30+ pounds from then. There are only three of us still posting our weights in that group.

My tip. Choose a fitness activity that rewards weight loss. I started with timing myself hiking up a small mountain with an 1100 foot elevation gain. That has evolved into me getting back into rock climbing and even doing pull ups regularly. Making gains in these activities is easier by loosing weight than by getting stronger. Of course I want to get more fit too.

Best of luck to all of you.
but my weight loses are so slow that I really don't feel like I fit in to this group.
Anyone who wants to lose weight and get in better shape fits in this group. It’s more about being there for each other and encouraging each other. That’s part of why I took the prizes out of the equation this time. It’s about more than winning a soap, it’s about being healthier. And also small losses is the healthier and more sustainable way to go. That’s also why there isn’t a 5 or 6 month run like before, and why I wanted it to go the whole year. I think this group is the perfect place for you to post!
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