The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
2020 has been a rough one. Social distancing and business closures/restrictions has meant that a lot of us haven’t been going out or being as active as we would normally be. Combine that with quarantines and working from home means a lot of us are also snacking more, drinking more (alcohol), and just being less healthy in general. As a result many of us have gotten out of shape and put on some extra pounds. 2021 is the year we turn this around!


Are you interested in getting in better shape and dropping a few pounds? I know a lot of us are, but sometimes motivation is a problem, and many of us do not have a good support network to help keep us motivated to succeed. Well, look no further…. The Shaving Cadre is here to help! The Cadre will bond together, encourage & support each other during this process. We will be there to motivate each other through our stalls/setbacks, and celebrate with each other in our successes! We want everyone to succeed with their goals and get as healthy as possible in 2021! In addition, we’ve got some great prizes donated by Supporting Vendors of The Shaving Cadre to help keep us motivated!!!


I posted a thread to see if there was enough interest in this Challenge here: Gauging Interest in a Weight Loss Challenge.
There was a lot of good info posted in that thread, and I encourage you to go back and read it, if you haven’t already. The response was very positive, therefore I present:

The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

How it works:

*Any member of The Shaving Cadre is eligible and encouraged to participate. (There may be limitations on shipping prizes for non-CONUS member.)

*This Challenge will last 5 months. I feel this is long enough to keep people motivated to continue, and develop good habits that they can hopefully sustain, without being too long and becoming a drag.

*There will be monthly weigh-ins, and the winner will be based on percentage of weight lost. Cadre member’s weights will not be made public (only percentage lost), unless the individual wants to share that information themselves.

*The member with the highest percentage of weight lost that month will receive a prize from one of TSC’s participating vendors. Members will only be eligible to receive one monthly prize.

*At the end of 5 months, there will be another prize for the person with the overall highest percentage lost over the entire 5 month period. All participants are eligible for this prize, regardless of previous monthly winnings.

*Initial weigh-in will be on Jan 1st. With subsequent weigh-ins at the first of every month.

*If you do not discover this thread until after Jan 1st, you can still join, at ANY time. It’s never a bad time to get focused on your health. PM me (Spider), for details.

*Your active participation in this thread is greatly appreciated. The playful banter and camaraderie in this thread is half the fun in this challenge, and will only serve to keep people motivated and keep thinking about their goals. Any tips, tricks, or encouragement is welcome from anyone, even if you are not participating.

Weigh-In Details
*Initial Weigh-In is due between Friday, Jan 1st and Sunday, Jan 3rd. If you sign up after Jan 1st, your initial weight will be due the day you join.

*Monthly weigh-ins are due on the 1st of every month. Weights can be submitted 1 day early or 1 day late to allow some flexibility. Weigh-ins received after the 2nd of the month will not be eligible for the monthly prize. PM me if there are any extenuating circumstances preventing this. We will try to be flexible and fair to all participants.

*Weight should be taken using the same scale, at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes (to the maximum extent possible) to reduce variables and keep everything consistent. Ideally, weigh yourself first thing in the morning.

*I will create a group PM to all participants each month requesting weights. Again, member’s weights will be kept in PM and not posted in public.

*Weight will be submitted by taking a picture of your scale with your weight displayed and a piece of paper visible with your username and the current day’s date on it.

The Prizes!
The real prize here, is taking care of yourself, and getting healthier in the process. But as added motivation, here are the prizes donated from our very generous TSC Vendors!

January – Shave Soap from Mystic Water Soap - @Mystic Water

February – Shave Soap & Aftershave Splash from Stirling Soap Co. - @Joe Hackett

March – Shave Soap & Post Shave Elixir from Lisa’s Natural Herbal Creations - @LNHC

April – Shave Soap & Aftershave Tonic from CBL Soap -

May – Shave Soap & Skin Food Splash from ETHOS Grooming Essentials - @Dragonsbeard

Cumulative Jan-May – Special Mission Kit from Victory Shaving Company -
Kit includes “Heaven Can Wait” Shave Soap, Tech-style Razor, Astra Blades, & Omega Brush (Will only ship CONUS or APO)

Thank You SO MUCH Vendors! Your participation is greatly appreciated!

If I happen to receive any additional prizes from TSC Vendors down the road, they will be added to the end for subsequent months.

If you indicated you wanted to be in, in the “Gauging Interest” thread, then I’ve already added you to the sign-up list. These tags will serve to make you aware that you are officially in.
@uacowboy @dangerousdon @global_dev @Shavin’ Yeti @hawklet00 @CVargo @Fenster @NurseDave @BarberDave @FarmerTan @mvargo @Luecke3262

And look at this.... 2021 even looks skinnier! Let's Do This!
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Copy this list and add your name to sign up:

1. Spider
2. Uacowboy
3. dangerousdon
4. global_dev
5. Shavin' Yeti
6. hawklet00
7. Cvargo
8. Fenster
9. NurseDave
10. BarberDave
11. FarmerTan
12. mvargo
13. Luecke3262
Thanks for getting this organized @Spider and a huge thanks to all the TSC Vendors for their donations to support this adventure!

Really looking forward to this!
This is BIG!!! I mean HUGE!!! I mean skinny?

Seriously...this is an amazing "program." I know from experience, having the right kind of support can make all the difference!

Thanks KJ @Spider for thinking of this and getting it going.

A HUGE thanks to the vendors for supporting us in this endeavor!

Can't wait to get started. I will make sure I get an official weigh in on the first...but the actual getting going on this might have to wait until Jan. 4. We will see though.
1. Spider
2. Uacowboy
3. dangerousdon
4. global_dev
5. Shavin' Yeti
6. hawklet00
7. Cvargo
8. Fenster
9. NurseDave
10. BarberDave
11. FarmerTan
12. mvargo
13. Luecke3262
14. Joe Hackett

I'm hovering around the 250 mark, and my goal is to get back down to warrant officer weight or better (~200 lbs). I've used kids and a growing company as an excuse for far too long.
1. Spider
2. Uacowboy
3. dangerousdon
4. global_dev
5. Shavin' Yeti
6. hawklet00
7. Cvargo
8. Fenster
9. NurseDave
10. BarberDave
11. FarmerTan
12. mvargo
13. Luecke3262
14. Joe Hackett

I'm hovering around the 250 mark, and my goal is to get back down to warrant officer weight or better (~200 lbs). I've used kids and a growing company as an excuse for far too long.
YES!!!! We got us one of the Vendors Playing! Way to go Rod!!!
1. Spider
2. Uacowboy
3. dangerousdon
4. global_dev
5. Shavin' Yeti
6. hawklet00
7. Cvargo
8. Fenster
9. NurseDave
10. BarberDave
11. FarmerTan
12. mvargo
13. Luecke3262
14. Joe Hackett
15. woodpusher (Doing the weight gain version of the game!)

@Majorrich what does your spouse-unit think about you joining in? You know I'll ask her if you don't ;)
15. woodpusher (Doing the weight gain version of the game!)
The surest way to maintain yourself at the bottom of the list!

But seriously, bulking up on muscle is still getting yourself in better shape and health, and we'll be here to support you. Can't wait to see your percentage gained numbers!
Went to the doctor's office for my annual, and I'm 159 lbs on their machine when dressed. Weighed myself at home the same way and I'm 156 lbs. Apparently, I need to make a BIG doo-doo. 😱

Either that or our 20+ year old bathroom scales needed a slight re-calibration. Adding the 3 lb discrepancy puts me at 156 nekked, No pics shall be forthcoming.
1. Spider
2. Uacowboy
3. dangerousdon
4. global_dev
5. Shavin' Yeti
6. hawklet00
7. Cvargo
8. Fenster
9. NurseDave
10. BarberDave
11. FarmerTan
12. mvargo
13. Luecke3262
14. Joe Hackett
15. woodpusher (Doing the weight gain version of the game!)
Copy this list and add your name to sign up:
1. Spider
2. Uacowboy
3. dangerousdon
4. global_dev
5. Shavin' Yeti
6. hawklet00
7. Cvargo
8. Fenster
9. NurseDave
10. BarberDave
11. FarmerTan
12. mvargo
13. Luecke3262
14. Joe Hackett
15. woodpusher (Doing the weight gain version of the game!)
16. Ambalance
17. Majorrich