The Shaving Cadre

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Stunt Shaves: Speed Shaving

If high speed is low drag, and low drag is smooth, then smooth is fast! I like it! I like it a lot!
Watched all the speed shaves submitted so far. Great stuff!
It really did! It cost a bit with the slippery hands, but not as much as I gained. I betcha it can be faster if one would go completely brushless, that Proraso is wicked slick out of the pump!
Told you there’d be blood......

Nice shave Kyle! No way I could do a straight shave that fast.
Did my own "speed shave" this morning. I used a soap I had never lathered before so the lather was far from ideal but it seemed to work. I used my ZY (cheap Chinese razor) for the shave but I did not film the stropping and post care. I typically strop the night before so it isn't abnormal for me to shave in the morning without stropping first.

Sadly, I did get bit but it wasn't bad. It isn't a cut so much as a scrape type wound, very strange. The shave results (bite aside) was pretty much a BBS-, mostly BBS with an area under the chin that could be better.
Friggin' mimes
