The Shaving Cadre

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Spider’s Motorcycle Adventures

So yes, I did manage to get out for a little ride today. Just a quick run to Walmart to pick up a couple things..... but I took the long way to get there! 47*F is pushing it for that jacket, even had a flannel on under it. Any longer of a ride and 50 is probably the limit for it. I definitely should have used my warmer gloves today!

Anybody ever been to the Fayette County Airport in Ohio? Thinking about a road trip.... when the weather gets better of course.

I saw your pic and I was thinking wow, the weather sure did change quickly!
Well, decide to start the motorcycle today, just to make sure my battery still had a charge. Then I smelled the exhaust, and just had to get on and take it around the block. Of course, living on the country, my block is a 17.6 mile loop. Even though it was around 40 degrees, it wasn’t a bad ride. Amazingly, the Mohawk mostly survived the helmet!
Felt good to get out there, at least for a little bit.
Yeah, had one one my bike too. Necessary for long rides 👍 Radio is needed also.
I guess I was thinking it won't work will a full face helmet, but remembered not everyone uses one of those. I went off at bike at 55mph once. Cracked the face shield right in the middle. I'd never ride without one.