The Shaving Cadre

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"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
OK, right up front, I'm going to say this is just my little rant. I don't know if it happens here, cause I really don't pay that much attention to these posts anyway. It's just something I've noticed on FB and other forums. And I'm not singling anybody out or saying that anybody is doing anything that angers the shave gods. It's just a little Pet Peeve of mine.

I don't get why people have to post SOTN. (Shave of the Night) It's SOTD. Period.
Shave Of The Day.... means what you used to shave today, any time today. It does not mean what you used to shave during the daytime.

I'm sure it's much more innocent than this, but for some reason my brain sees posting SOTN as uppity. Like, Here is my Shave Of The Night, I shave in the dark so I am different from you.... Nope, we are all shavers, what difference does it make what time of day we shave?

I mean, nobody posts SOTM (Shave Of The Morning) or SOTA (Shave Of The Afternoon) posts, so why is there an need to post SOTN?

I just don't get it.
mental note no sotn
mental note no sotn

Well don't change on my account! I'm mainly just curious what everyone's thoughts are on it. If you do SOTN..... why? Is there some reason, that I justy don't see? Are you signaling to your other vampire shavers to indicate a hidden brotherhood or secret society? Is SOTD not good enough, or just not specific enough for you?
I must be honest it has always been a pet peeve of mine also. However usually just bypass it.
Shave of the last 24 hours? 48? 72? Shave of the month? Year? Biannual? Shave of the decade? The one time I shaved? Non shave of the day?

I decorate these all to be official shave categories. ?
And be sure to post your SOTs tonight for what you plan on using "Tomorrow"!
I typically shave at night, and when I post a pic, it's usually the following day, but have never used the term SOTN, and don't think it's necessary to specify that the pic was from the night before, although I have on occasion mentioned it.
For me it's just the most recent shave. I must not be paying close enough attention (my wife tells me this often), because I don't think I've even noticed SOTN before...
I'll be honest, I had no idea what SOTN was. Anytime i saw it I just assumed it was secret code known only to the lizard people of New Mexico. i guess i just blocked it out.
I shave pretty early, about 5AM. My SOTEM today was the same as I posted in Another Shaving Journal some days back, except that in a moment of carelessness I grazed my right nostril and had to get out the styptic pencil. That's all for now...