The Shaving Cadre

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"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
A friend of mine recently received some quite expensive gourmet sardines as a gift (Nuri Brand). This has caused me to start looking up sardines. I've had some in the past, but they were cheap ones from the grocery store and were OK, but not great. I'd like to get some good ones to try. And the recent talk of Sardines in the No Cook Dinner thread has led me to ask here.

So what brands do you like? How do you enjoy them.... straight out of the can, on a sandwich, on a salad, other?

Do you eat the bones or pick them out (if they are not deboned already)?
Haven't had them for years but my dad used to be able to get them on a pizza all the time when I was younger. Never new what brand/kind. You never see it as an option anymore.......
Haven't had them for years but my dad used to be able to get them on a pizza all the time when I was younger. Never new what brand/kind. You never see it as an option anymore.......
Last time I saw sardines on a pizza was when I worked for Pizza Guys 2005ish. We kept a couple cans on hand, they only really ever got ordered once in a blue moon. I woulda figured it’s a total East Coast thing still!
Last time I saw sardines on a pizza was when I worked for Pizza Guys 2005ish. We kept a couple cans on hand, they only really ever got ordered once in a blue moon. I woulda figured it’s a total East Coast thing still!
Actually now that I think about it, I thinking of anchovies not sardines
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I eat sardines regularly. Right now, I'll pick up the King Oscar Double Layer from the grocery store where I generally shop. They are small enough that the bones are not an issue. I like most treatments, except the hot sauce ones - which you may like. I will check any odd grocery store I have an opportunity to go to for anything I am unfamiliar with. I'll eat them right out of the can, put them in Ramen, put them on some spinach, whatever I think they might compliment or be complimented by. They are a treat emergency supply food.

Check out this blog:

Mouth Full of Sardines
I love me some sardines. I've begun to eat them more often as I drop carbs and sugars from my diet. They make a great snack. I tend to prefer the small Briesling sardines packed in extra virgin olive oil. I'll either get the King Oscars like @Lbkindy or I'll get the Season version, whichever is cheaper. The small ones I find to be tastier and more delicate. I've had the larger ones and find I don't like the noticeable spine. It's edible but not desireable. But the small ones are really really good.
I forgot to mention that someone, I think on this site, suggested putting sriracha sauce on them. I did and OMG. Delicious. I knew I was forgetting something.
Canned sardines are like level 7 on my Dad’s Alabama, roadside, country store, on the way to the fishing hole, manhood initiation food gauntlet. Possum brand, preferably in mustard sauce, If not, add mustard, atop a saltine cracker. Alas, the Possum brand no longer exists. Your hands smelled for days. This was the next step after potted meat. I did not level up after the sardines. Level 8 was pickled pigs feet. I tapped out at that point.

Level 1 - RC Cola, a Moon Pie, & peanuts
Level 2 - Peach Nehi, a Slim Jim, some "hoop" cheese, hot peanuts, and a Zero candy bar
Level 3 - Olive loaf (colored flecks to distract unsuspecting children) on white bread with Golden Flake chips (because Bear Bryant), probably a GooGoo cluster washed down with a Sun Drop or Grapico

Then it turned dark.

Level 4 - Vienna sausages in a can (pronounced vie EEN uh in Alabama)
Level 5 - pickled egg with a Red Hot sausage
Level 6 - potted meat (aka possum pâté)
Level 7 - canned sardines
Level 8 - pickled pigs feet
Level 9 - souse meat (aka "head cheese") - I opened the deep freezer ("ice chest" in Alabama) and was created by a hog's head. Before that it was probably level 4.

I skipped levels 8 & 9 and progressed to level 10+ which moved on from road side to road kill / hunted game / sub-prime parts of the hog or cow. This included, but was not limited to, squirrel, coon, mountain oysters, chitlins, frog legs, deer meat (yes I know its called venison - but not in AL), etc.

Well, I will never get those 10 minutes back, but at least my Ribeyes have marinated long enough. Time to light the grill.
A friend of mine recently received some quite expensive gourmet sardines as a gift (Nuri Brand). This has caused me to start looking up sardines. I've had some in the past, but they were cheap ones from the grocery store and were OK, but not great. I'd like to get some good ones to try. And the recent talk of Sardines in the No Cook Dinner thread has led me to ask here.

So what brands do you like? How do you enjoy them.... straight out of the can, on a sandwich, on a salad, other?

Do you eat the bones or pick them out (if they are not deboned already)? influence is taking over the Cadre! Sardines are my jam! I know it's not for everyone, but man do I like them. I have been eating them since I was a kid.

So I try to eat a good amount of oily fish. One...I like the way they taste. Wild caught salmon is relatively easy to buy...even if they are frozen fillets (FYI...most if not all salmon you buy is frozen at some point...even the so called fresh). But I sometimes I can't fit it into the weekly menu. For those other times...I eat sardines. I will through them in a salad...or often, instead of making tuna-fish salad, I will grab a can of sardines and make it with that instead. I really try to get fish in about three times a week. Although...most weeks it is only twice.

Sardines are REALLY good for you! They are a really good source of a lot of fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins D,E, and K) and have a fair amount of B-Vitamins. They are also a good source of minerals like Selenium, Phosphorous, and Calcium. But what they are really known for are their Omega-3 Fatty Acids which are considered good for heart health and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Oh, and I forgot to mention...there are one of the safest fish to eat in terms of mercury. If you are interested in a good overview of the nutrition side of sardines, check out this article: Sardines 101

Canned sardines is probably what most people know and have access to. First of all...I don't know if you are concerned about ingredient quality or not...but if you are...make sure you find out what the sardines are stored in. You will have some in water, some in oil, some in other stuff like mustard, hot sauce, and tomato sauce. If it is anything other than water...check the ingredients. If you are worried about the likes of vegetable., canola, or soybean oils...a lot of sardines are packed in those type ingredients. Even the ones that are in tomato sauce or mustard. If I have a choice, I opt for the ones in water. My view is that if I want something on them, then I will put it on myself. My next choice would be extra virgin olive oil. And then third choice would be olive oil. If it has any of the other oils in them...I won't touch them. But that is just me.

The brands I buy the most are Seasons and Wild Planet. I buy the brand Seasons sardines the most. I like the fact that they are sustainably and wild caught. I can get them at most stores. In fact, I have bought them in a six pack at Costco and I have also found them at Ollie's (a discount store...a lot like Big Lots) for super cheap. But I can also find them at most other stores. Are they the cheapest? No...but they are nice meaty filets. In my opinion...Seasons brand is the best of price, quality, and ethical considerations. My next choice would be Wild Planet. These are also wildly available...but maybe just not as much. Costco pretty much has them all the time. And these sardines are one of the best in terms of quality in a can. This brand probably pays the most attention to ethical considerations the most. But they are pricey. Seasons brand will cost you any where between a buck and $2 a can, where as Wild Planet will cost you between $2 and $3 a can. After these two...I will buy almost any other...I do look for brands that say wild caught first. Wild caught have a better nutritional profile than farmed. But if it has soybean oil in it...I won't touch it.


As far as fresh sardines go...well...unless you live near a place that harvests have likely never had a fresh one. But fresh frozen is an option. I have had grilled sardines (from fresh frozen) once and they are absolutely divine! Not much too them. Olive Oil, Salt Pepper, grill for 3-4 minutes and flip for another 3-4 minutes and they are done! They are super good this way. I think KJ has inspired me to get some this weekend and try it out again.

I have sort of mentioned how I eat them. Sometimes I eat them straight out of the can...and to be honest...I mike like them the best this way with either a little mustard or siracha sauce. I have made it into a sardine salad (like tuna-fish salad that you might put on a sandwich). I have used it for my protein in a leafy salad. I have also used it in an omelet. I will eat the bones no issues there...most of the time you will never notice them...they are super soft. But sometimes you do get some that have larger than normal spines that get a little crunchy...I think someone already mentioned this. I am also wanting to try a recipe I found recently that sounds pretty easy and really good! Fisherman's Eggs


Okay...sorry about the long post and the geek out on sardines! But I really like them a lot. And in this day and age of highly processed crap...sardines are an easy way to get something completely nutritious! Hope this post helps KJ!
Thanks Don! Was waiting for you to chime in.

Went to the commissary and found a few yesterday. Got a few cans of the King Oscar brand. Really enjoyed those. Much better than my first experience with cheaper sardines. And as @BarberDave said, it was a game changer to top the sardines with the chili garlic sauce. Good with sriracha too, but the chili garlic is amazing on everything!

Also got some Crown Prince kippered herring and anchovies. Tried the anchovies.... really, really, frickin salty! But we added the rest of the can to our lasagne sauce last night and was a good addition.

I'm hooked on them now. Will definitely be adding a can or two to my diet every week.
Thanks Don! Was waiting for you to chime in.

Went to the commissary and found a few yesterday. Got a few cans of the King Oscar brand. Really enjoyed those. Much better than my first experience with cheaper sardines. And as @BarberDave said, it was a game changer to top the sardines with the chili garlic sauce. Good with sriracha too, but the chili garlic is amazing on everything!

Also got some Crown Prince kippered herring and anchovies. Tried the anchovies.... really, really, frickin salty! But we added the rest of the can to our lasagne sauce last night and was a good addition.

I'm hooked on them now. Will definitely be adding a can or two to my diet every week.
Well now! I have the chili garlic sauce...looks like I will be trying some today! My wife cooks with anchovy paste a lot. A little bit in homemade dips, salad dressings, sauces, etc gives them a real rich full umami flavor.

Yeah...sardines, anchovies, etc are a reasonable way to get a healthy snack or meal in your diet. They are great if you are doing Keto or Low Carb too!