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Nurse Dave's Journal


“Stefan’s Glitterbomb King”
First Responder
2018 shave #74 (DE:9 SE:27 Str:37 Cart:2)

Weck w/ Diane (1)
Nuàvia Verde
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution 24mm handle
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm
Penhaligon's Clandestine Clara

Either changing the blade helped or I was better with the angle. I wasn't having the stalling this time, but it also just didn't feel natural. The blade was moving, but something just felt off. I did the full three passes and left it at that with tons of alum sting. I'm trying to remember, but I don't think I've gotten a overall good shave out of the Weck yet, I think those were all with the SS and a guarded blade. I did have a few moments of thinking about pressure, but most of today was worrying about stretching and keeping the blade moving. I again noticed I wasn't getting the cushion and slickness from the Nuàvia. When my fingers were pulling skin in an area I just shaved it was like I shaved so closely that there was nothing left at all. Totally dry. I'm thinking I need to interpret that as too much pressure for sure.

To me, the Nuàvia Verde was a mix between Nera and Rossa. There was sweet component mixed with the complex floral/baking spices. I still prefer the Rossa out of the 4.
At least there was no blood. The sting just let's you know you are alive.
Quijote said:
At least there was no blood. The sting just let's you know you are alive.
I tell ya, I have the itch to buy a straight razor(s), but still struggling with this tells me I need to wait. I keep thinking how silly it will be if I dump a lot of money on this stuff and then decide I need to stick with SE.
NurseDave said:
I tell ya, I have the itch to buy a straight razor(s), but still struggling with this tells me I need to wait. I keep thinking how silly it will be if I dump a lot of money on this stuff and then decide I need to stick with SE.

i wanna buy one bad too but I love my Kate too much to make that step yet
Majorrich said:
I wonder if the very low mass contributes to the tendency to stall.
That makes sense, but I don’t think I have enough experience to judge that.
NurseDave said:
I tell ya, I have the itch to buy a straight razor(s), but still struggling with this tells me I need to wait. I keep thinking how silly it will be if I dump a lot of money on this stuff and then decide I need to stick with SE.
I know it's been mentioned in the past, but a traditional straight might actually be easier for you to use, rather than the Weck. That being said, once you master the weck, traditional straights should be a breeze!
Dagwoodz said:
I know it's been mentioned in the past, but a traditional straight might actually be easier for you to use, rather than the Weck. That being said, once you master the weck, traditional straights should be a breeze!
I think I'll be getting one to borrow in the near future, so I'm trying to hold off on buying anything until I can try that. But, I always like to have a vacation on the calendar to look forward to and I like to know that something is in the mail to wait for ;)
2018 shave #75 (DE:9 SE:27 Str:38 Cart:2)

Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution 24mm handle
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm

I think I was just not in a zen mood this morning for shaving. The SS was smoother for me than the Weck. It will be interesting to see how different blades from Chad will effect the Weck's performance for me. I'm still on my plateau as far as straights. RX level BBS on the cheeks and sandpaper feeling left-over hair on the neck. After the 3rd pass on my neck, I tried some different angles, but felt like a monkey trying to peel a greased banana. Finally talked myself into giving up before I caused too much damage.

In other news my wife has said my snoring is getting worse and she stays up later than I do so I can tell it really is irritating her, but she doesn't say too much since it's one of those outside of my control things. She even bought one of those expensive pillows to stop snoring. She said I never stop breathing, so cpap really shouldn't be an option, but to try to make live easier on her I asked for a sleep eval. Well, they make a follow-up appointment for you and say after the test if you don't have sleep apnea they'll call and cancel the test. So here I am fulling expecting the call. No call, so my appointment is this morning. I'm interested in what they are going to tell me.
Nice shave today...GTB is always a great option. IRT the sleep study/eval, apnea doesn't always involve getting a CPAP. Sometimes it can be remedied through other less intrusive/bulky means. Good luck with the appointment, though Dave!
Curious on your results from the sleep test. Thankfully I don't snore and it's confirmed by my wife lol. Awesome setup today
Dagwoodz said:
Nice shave today...GTB is always a great option. IRT the sleep study/eval, apnea doesn't always involve getting a CPAP. Sometimes it can be remedied through other less intrusive/bulky means. Good luck with the appointment, though Dave!
Cvargo said:
Curious on your results from the sleep test. Thankfully I don't snore and it's confirmed by my wife lol. Awesome setup today

Well, this was actually very interesting. Found out I stop breathing about 13 times an hour, which they said is mild apnea. But my oxygen levels dipped down to 85 which surprised me too. What I was told is snoring is when there is still tone in the airways. The apnea part starts in deeper sleep when I'm not snoring because the airways are "floppy" so my wife wouldn't hear it. So next is a week trial with a CPAP machine. Have held off on years finding out about this because I didn't want the machine. But at this point, waking up feeling rested sounds like a dream. So I'm hopeful.
I have had sleep apnea since I was a young child. As a kid they did the old tonsil and adenoid removal and that helped somewhat. I have no doubt that i would be a candidate for cpap or some other forced air breather. I dont know that i am ready for all the drama, but i know i would probably feel better.

Good job on the feather shave. You know, the WECK is a difficult beast to use and that feather is a pretty close approximation of what a straight shave would require. You should be able to nail a good traditional straight. I am still working on that Engstrom, hope to get it in shaving condition soon
CBLindsay said:
I have had sleep apnea since I was a young child. As a kid they did the old tonsil and adenoid removal and that helped somewhat. I have no doubt that i would be a candidate for cpap or some other forced air breather. I dont know that i am ready for all the drama, but i know i would probably feel better.

Good job on the feather shave. You know, the WECK is a difficult beast to use and that feather is a pretty close approximation of what a straight shave would require. You should be able to nail a good traditional straight. I am still working on that Engstrom, hope to get it in shaving condition soon
I hear ya. It's still a machine you're attached to, but I was surprised how small and quiet it is. And the mask was a lot more comfortable than I thought. But I'm sure the hassle will occur quickly trying to roll in bed attached to a tube.
I've been sleeping with a CPAP for about six months. I too knew I snored and SWMBO (the long suffering soul) could sleep through a hurricane, but the faintest off sound from the baby room would wake her in a flash. I used to get up three to four times a night to pee. Now down to only one. I asked the doctor where the extra pee goes if I am only draining the tank one time per night and he hasn't satisfactorily answered my question. I do feel way more rested and no longer need to nap in the afternoon. Now I nap because I want to! ?
Majorrich said:
I've been sleeping with a CPAP for about six months. I too knew I snored and SWMBO (the long suffering soul) could sleep through a hurricane, but the faintest off sound from the baby room would wake her in a flash. I used to get up three to four times a night to pee. Now down to only one. I asked the doctor where the extra pee goes if I am only draining the tank one time per night and he hasn't satisfactorily answered my question. I do feel way more rested and no longer need to nap in the afternoon. Now I nap because I want to!
The body is programmed to produce less and more concentrated urine when you're sleep. So my guess is by sleeping deeper, there actually isn't as much.
Good stuff, Dave. Sorry to hear about the need for a CPAP, but it's nice that it is an option.
Nice shave. I have been known to shake the windows with my snoring. If I get too loud, the LOTH kicks me. I will often wake up with sore shins.