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Kilher Spider Hot Sauce!

The Habanero Pineapple peach sounds really good to me.

I bet it would go well on pork

Heck they all sound good. I always have a few different hot sauces in the fridge. But nothing too exotic right now. But when the weather warms up I'll be adding a couple for sure.

I hope this venture goes well and get to try some. When it goes out on the market.
There’s no market. All kinds of rules against this in my state.
As long as it falls under the Missouri cottage food types you should be okay... also you could get around some of the "regulations" by making it a "Jellied" sauce... Just a thought for you..
(Sourced from) Selling Homemade Food in Missouri - Institute for Justice


Well upon further review it might NOT work for you because Missouri caps sells at 50,000 dollars a year and we all know yours would be such a "HOT" selling item that that would be about your weekly sales !!!!
Jeez !!! I just read the regulations for your state to make it and was floored when i read you have to go to "school" for it plus have your process reviewed by the authorities and a BUNCH of other stuff ...... I can see why you would say never mind... I wouldn't want to jump through all the hoops either.. I probably would just "sell" empty bottles and "give " the contents away for free..
I just looked at My state though and here it's completely prohibited though....
Started my second round of ferments. Both half gallon jars are the same. In my first round I did a small test batch of cherry bombs just to see how it would taste. Yielded 2 bottles of some really good sauce, just enough heat for just about anyone to enjoy. For this batch I used frozen peppers from my garden, added a fresh red bell pepper to ensure the ferment would start, and added a bunch of garlic and some shallots, which will give it some flavor that I thought the first one was missing. Very excited to see how this turns out. I’ll find out in a couple months!

Also trying out some new air locks that we got super cheap off Amazon!

I haven't had much luck growing peppers in my garden, but I may give it another go this year. Because, I so want to do this now!
I haven't had much luck growing peppers in my garden, but I may give it another go this year. Because, I so want to do this now!
It really is super easy. And peppers should grow really well in your climate.
I see I'll be needing to update this thread soon. I"ve got 6 batches going now, that will need to be processed soon. Might split some and add different things at the end to yield more than 6 sauces.