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cmh737 Straight Venture Journal Continued


I shave @ FL360
Greetings all, I've been on the road and quite busy as of late.

As a catch up, I've been using some of CBL's @CBLindsay new soaps, and they've been most excellent: Lavender Chill, Russian Tea, Damascus Juniper, and $Money. The stand out for me is the "$Money"; this is, IMHO, the best soap that CBL has made yet - it's phenomenally elite stuff!

I've also returned to the honing game; this time, "Arkansas style". First off, I finally got around to using the soft Ark that CBL had sent me a while ago. I also picked up another stone from Dan's Whetstone, a combo soft/hard Ark. And finally, I reconditioned my surgical black Ark. I've seen a couple of vids now where the honers specifically DON'T spend the energy to get the mirror-like surface on the surgical black; they much prefer the matte finish. So I used some SiC that Craig generously sent me, and prepped the new stone, as well as refinished the surgical black. In a word, I'm encouraged by my first attempt. My first two results follow......
SR Shave #568:

The first razor that I chose for the initial Arkansas regiment was the Bengall full hollow. I killed the edge and reset the bevel with the Chosera 1K (I also used a slight coti slurry on this 1K). Then I moved to the soft Ark, then the hard Ark, then the surgical black.

Result: Grade B

I'm pleasantly surprised by this Ark edge. While it's not the sharpest, it is extremely smooth, and gets the job done. I did just two passes for this one, and while DFS(-), my face hardly felt like it had a razor drawn across it - I really didn't even need any aftershave! Hmmmm, could this be the set up for me????

Bengall//ShaverJoe w/Ubersoft synth//Stirling Peach//Kiehl's aftershave balm
SR Shave #569:

I decided to try the Bengall again. I gave it some laps on the barber hone that CBL has loaned me to see if it might make the edge a bit keener.

Result: B+

Got another smooth shave, but the edge could still be sharper, perhaps. I did three passes today, and achieved a comfortable DFS, but admittedly, I was hoping for a bit better. But I'll still take this, don't get me wrong! I've got two more razors to test that I honed with the Arks, but they'll have to wait. First, I need to use the two razors that I sent to CBL @CBLindsay for honing. He graciously worked on the Genco "Old Dutch", and the CVH No2. He also replaced the scales on the CVH which are pretty downright cool. Many thanks, Chris L!

Bengall//Simpson Chubby 2//SV Mirto di Sardegna soap and aftershave
Happy to hear the Arks are working for you. I absolutely despise the Arks, i just don't understand them. Perhaps its all in the prep. I enjoy the Welsh trio quite a lot and am finding that the coti is a great way to "get there" but the Welsh Trio and my hard French Vosges put a great finish on the edge ...and the Welsh trio are nothing but fancy slate.

I hope you like the edges I put on those razors. That Genco Old Dutch is a beast.
Great job on the honing Chris! It looks like you're getting the Arks figured out. Someday I'll have time to sit down and re-hone all my straights. They all desperately need touching up, and I'm having trouble even making that happen lol.
Good job on the Arks Chris!

Great Pictures!

Glad the SIC powder reached you and seems to have worked for you!
Thanks, Gents!

CBLindsay said:
....I hope you like the edges I put on those razors. That Genco Old Dutch is a beast.

Holy Smokes, CBL - what a dynamite edge you put on that Genco!!! OK, you got me, tell me about Welsh slates.
cmh737 said:
Thanks, Gents!
cmh737 said:
Holy Smokes, CBL - what a dynamite edge you put on that Genco!!! OK, you got me, tell me about Welsh slates.

I really need to properly prep mine and get to honing again.
I sharpen all knives and tools as a small side hustle but have yet to branch out into buying the needed hones and a cheap straight to practice on before I go into that side of things too. If you want a knife sharp though I can get most of them sharper than most utility razors.
Thanks, Gents! I've fallen woefully behind on my journal, but will correct that forthwith.....
SR #570:

Okie Dokie, I finally have some time to not only make a journal entry, but post a photo or two. I also have found time to do a little honing.

First up, is the Thiers-Issard (w/custom bone scales); this one:

I killed the edge, then reset the bevel on the Chosera 1K w/a little coticule slurry, then moved to the Naniwa 3K. Then it was all La Veinette coticule, dilucot method (and no tape).

Result: Grade B

I actually got a decent edge on this blade, and had a wonderful shave this morning. I did 4 passes, and while "only" DFS(+), it was remarkably comfortable. No irritation whatsoever and no weepers to be found. Now, the second pass was just a repeat WTG from the first pass, so not a "true" 4 passer. But like I said, it was extremely comfortable. However, with my beard type, I do want to kick the keeness up just a notch. I'm debating the following possible courses of action: (1) take it to the surgical black ark; (2) wait on the Welsh slates that are en route; (3) give the ole balsa a try. I may be finally starting to learn how to hone - LOL!

Another reason I had such an enjoyable shave was due to the stellar set up. My goodness, how I dig this Wholly Kaw Rose Concerto. The scent is to die for, if one is a rose scent enthusiast. And the performance is totally "elite" status. And for an interesting combo, I chose the CF Santa Paula for the aftershave. This totally worked with the lingering rose scent! Finished up with Pen's Hammam Bouquet, and I'm diggin' the start to the day!

I mean...what could be better to start a day with than some elite gear and software like this, Chris? Phenomenal shave with some great stuff! Good job on the honing as well!
More Wholly Kaw! Oh boy... I am buying one after payday this week!