The Shaving Cadre

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Chad's adventures of shaving, officiating, and life

Day 2 cont. We are on the trails and the goal is Morning Glory pool.

On our walk we knew from the predictions that Grand Geyser which is the tallest geyser at over 400 ft. Could go off. Well we are 45 min late. And it hasn't gone off yet! The plus minus Is 60 minutes. So we hunker down. And are rewarded with the most spectacular show! 20230617_142648.jpg

After this we continued our trek and the baby needed to eat then Megan needed the restroom so the kids and I looked at riverside geyser.


Now we finish to morning glory.


After this back to the motorhome to drive down the road to find another geyser basin to see Grand Prismatic pool. But we are doing the 2.5 mile hike up hill to get the better view.

On the drive we encounter traffic along the river and see a lot of lights and rangers on the road. They are forcing traffic Through! This means one thing animals! They aren't letting anyone stop or out of their vehicles. And everyone is going real slow! We get up to the action look out the window and sadly no pics as we couldn't stop but what do we see. Right off the road maybe 30 yards two giant grizzly bears fighting in the river! I wish we could get pics! But the excitement from the two older kids was excitement enough! Anyway we get to the trail head and park and hike the 2.5 miles up hill. And this was our reward:


You can see the little people up against it and I'm sure you can see why this hike was on my bucket list. This is 4th trip and first time doing this hike!

We get down the mountain and I see rangers at the trail head with shotguns (for warning shots) I start talking to them and they advise the bears we saw had ventured this way but appear to have gone over the mountain not up the trail. Geez that's disheartening a bit!

Back at the motorhome we are exhausted after a very long day of hiking at old faithful and the trial we just finished. In fact according to my watch we did 24k steps! Back to base camp for dinner and a pipe.


More tomorrow!


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Day 3 of our trip will be two posts again.

Our goal today is to go across to the east side of the park as we are moving to Bridge Bay. We woke up to a lot of rain so we are hoping Canyon village has different weather then we'll venture down to to new campground location. The park is so massive and the elevation different that the weather is different everywhere. So we are off... And I got a buddy who wants to help drive!


So our route today is Madison to Norris junction, over to canyon village. This took almost an hour. When we got to Canyon the rain is torrential so we opted to hang out in the parking lot and have breakfast and try to wait it out. Now canyon village is a full service area and is right near the grand canyon of Yellowstone. So to avoid the rain and the cold! We decide to explore the shops for a bit. Time to suit up!

Inside I talk to the Rangers and explore the forecast since we have zero internet in the park.


Uh oh!

Kids exploring the swings


We decide the rain isn't going to break so let's suit up with ponchos and go drive the upper loop! Here's some pics:


Kids are cold and it's time to load back up and head to a slightly lower elevation and see what changes!

So the drive from Canyon to the Bay Bridge campground is about another 40 min. This drive it's pouring rain and we are going through Hayden Valley, along the Yellowstone river, and around Yellowstone lake. Fun tidbit the river has a location with highest volcanic activity, that they believe if/when it goes off this is where it will happen. The level form magma to crust is the thinnest here.

Not a lot of pics but the rain let up a tiny bit so we stopped at Mud Volcano along the route and watched the mud pots.

I've been here in drier years and this pod just bubble mud pretty cool to see.

We round the lake and get to our camp and boom!


We continue to our campground and these guys are in camp!

Here is the view of the lake from camp

As you can see it cleared up a tiny bit. But we are wet and cold and just plan to retire early and play board games in the motorhome. Here the campsite.


More tomorrow!
I hope @mvargo can get that growth removed from the front of her before its 18 years old. lol

Also....your middle child is a character. If she isn't side eyeing the camera, she's mugging it up. I bet she's hilarious.
Day 4 of our trip. We woke up to freezing cold! Frost on the ground outside. This update will be 3 posts.

So our goal today we are 7800ft. We want to get to Mammoth in the park which is roughly 6800 ft. Our original plan was to go over Dunraven pass to get into Roosevelt area. However the pass has snow on it! Not safe for the motorhome so we are calling an audible. So our route is bridge bay to canyon to Norris to mammoth. Should be 90 min drive.

On our drive and approaching Canyon we realize we did it yesterday BUT the weather is nice it's early morning yes cold but no rain. We are going to quickly audible and tour the south rim of the grand canyon. Enjoy the beauty :



Those are the upper falls. Here's the lower


A great detour now back on the road!
The drive was absolutely beautiful. I just love every moment in the park! We arrived to Mammoth and hit the visitor center so the kids could sworn in as Jr. Rangers. When at national parks with kids do these programs! We walked around Mammoth which is set up like a military barracks. Why? Well back in the day the national parks were protected by the military. And this is where they housed. We walked around the geothermal features also:


We then are working our way back to camp. We are doing the same route back. So time to climb out of Mammoth which puts you on a steep climb and a hair point turn out of the canyon. Oh boy! And what is climbing out also? Forcing us to do the climb at 3MPH

Then on our way to Norris what do we see? A momma bear with 2 cubs!! Sorry pics not the best here


We get down to Norris and find a nice picnic area and have lunch. Again love this about the motorhome. We can stop anywhere.

The back over to canyon after canyon getting ready to enter Hayden Valley what do we see? A momma bear with cub again! Also an idiot who tries to get too close


Now we are getting real tired after a long day. Time to finish the drive.
The original Frita is a Cuban dish with a seasoned ground beef and pork patty (sometimes mixed with chorizo) on Cuban bread topped with shoestring potatoes. Variations also include lettuce, onions, and a spiced ketchup sauce. A similar dish on Cuban bread is called pan con bistec (bistec de palomilla) topped with the shoestring potatoes. This type of burger is found mainly in South Florida.

This burger is usually washed down with a batido de trigo, a Cuban puffed wheat milk shake.
The original Frita is a Cuban dish with a seasoned ground beef and pork patty (sometimes mixed with chorizo) on Cuban bread topped with shoestring potatoes. Variations also include lettuce, onions, and a spiced ketchup sauce. A similar dish on Cuban bread is called pan con bistec (bistec de palomilla) topped with the shoestring potatoes. This type of burger is found mainly in South Florida.

This burger is usually washed down with a batido de trigo, a Cuban puffed wheat milk shake.
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You went to google to learn about a cuban hamburger?
The drive was absolutely beautiful. I just love every moment in the park! We arrived to Mammoth and hit the visitor center so the kids could sworn in as Jr. Rangers. When at national parks with kids do these programs! We walked around Mammoth which is set up like a military barracks. Why? Well back in the day the national parks were protected by the military. And this is where they housed. We walked around the geothermal features also:

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We then are working our way back to camp. We are doing the same route back. So time to climb out of Mammoth which puts you on a steep climb and a hair point turn out of the canyon. Oh boy! And what is climbing out also? Forcing us to do the climb at 3MPH
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Then on our way to Norris what do we see? A momma bear with 2 cubs!! Sorry pics not the best here

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We get down to Norris and find a nice picnic area and have lunch. Again love this about the motorhome. We can stop anywhere.

The back over to canyon after canyon getting ready to enter Hayden Valley what do we see? A momma bear with cub again! Also an idiot who tries to get too close

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Now we are getting real tired after a long day. Time to finish the drive.

Great photos! Some people seem to think national parks are like theme parks, and that the animals were put there for photo ops. We witnessed the same behavior in the other Grand Canyon, where people ignore barriers to get closer to the rim. Oblivious to the danger. Yeesh!

Cades Cove in Great Smokie Mountains Nat'l Park is overrun every fall with people who want to get as close to a bear as they can. They totally screw up traffic as everyone else pulls over and gets out to get a picture of the mauling. People approaching bears easily adds 2 hours to the 9 mile driving circuit.

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