The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

CBLindsay's Most Excellent VLOGs

"Kinda hard to see through the tears" Classic right there.
Not a Video but i did want to provide a quick update for those who might be wondering. I decided to touch up the Vorpal blade (that's the modified Gold Dollar used in the video that was tugging and in need of a hone job). I decided to touch up on a vintage Franz Swatty barber hone rather than start over, mostly because I haven't had the time to do much more. I stuck with some soap and water on the stone, did about 50-75 strokes with about 1/3 of them being spine leading strokes. I finished on the diamond sprayed cotton weaved strop then the FeOx cotton and some leather. The shave test was great. The first pass had a little "toothiness" but by the end of the shave it felt smooth to me. I hit the FeOx and leather after the test shave in prep for today's shave and that left the edge in wonderful condition for today.
WOW it’s been awhile since I recorded a video...Wife was out of town so I had to do some extra chores around the house and was already late to the office so I decided to record today’s shave. Went ahead and tried out the new KING C. GILLETTE DE while I was at it.

settle in for a TALKING video. Still morning so i’m not very excited.
Who’s side? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:

Nice little behind the scenes talk on sourcing. I’d be pulling my hair out with worry over my investment if I had to do it!
WOW it’s been awhile since I recorded a video...Wife was out of town so I had to do some extra chores around the house and was already late to the office so I decided to record today’s shave. Went ahead and tried out the new KING C. GILLETTE DE while I was at it.

settle in for a TALKING video. Still morning so i’m not very excited.
Started to watch but can hardly hear it..........
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So let me see if I got this.
1. I think I know what it smells like but I really don't - Check
2. I made you run out when tired but it turned out okay because you like the razor - Check
3. You straight razor shave because of ADHD about de blade uasage - Check
4. Don't overflow the water in the sink and flood my bathroom - Check
5. We don't know the name of this soap and may never know it - Check

I'll be up all night now myself...........................and I don't know why
I see what you are doing. You are trying to drench your wife's bathroom stuff and make it look accidental so she will get mad and move all her stuff out of the bathroom cabinet. Genius!
Good to see you making a fresh re-commitment to personal grooming for the New Year. 😎

Nice new look sir. 👍
I was noticing that the last time I posted a video I just just flooded the bathroom by leaving the sink running while I showered, and just prior to making this most recent video my wife had inadvertently flooded the same bathroom with the Chad-inspired Bidet. Odd coincidence wouldn't you say?