The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Alright smarty-pants!

I have no idea how these arrived. I even looked for random charges on my credit card statements. NOTHING. So it must be one of you! So many suspects...
I comes from love man

Is this a confession
And a quick chat with their customer service. They won't tell me who paid for it. All they say is it's a gift.
You wanted folks to send you bad blades, right?
Well, we all know what blade we want you to use next!
Looks like someone from the Cartridge and Goo secret society is trying to recruite you. Maybe they saw you are willing to go an extremely long time time punishing yourself with “bad blades” and wanted you to test out the goods before you know better again.

It wasn’t me although I do have a Gillette something or other that came in the mail last year and I was planning on sending it to you as a gag. What you got is pretty sweet, looks like a couples gift. Maybe you and your wife can do a week or two review for us.