The Shaving Cadre

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The Heysi Missive

Well ..I received my order of the newest CBL shave soap....Drinks & Dave's Premium Shave soap.


(Also picked up a new tub of Dread Pirate Roberts)

I thought I would give my review after using the Drinks & Dave's soap. It's has a wonderful scent. Very much leather and cedar and tobacco...with a bit of brown liquor. The soap is a hard soap...much more so than Dread Pirate Roberts which is more of a scoopable softer soap.

I used my Paladin synth that was able to soak for a bit then I squeezed it out and gave it a couple of not at all wet but still damp bristles.

It only took about 4 or 5 seconds of loading to get plenty of proto lather so I moved the brush to my lather bowl and within a few minutes...I had some of the best looking lather I've had in sometime. Very dense...very thick...very yogurt like. The use of the word Premium is not overused here.

The lather stayed thick and dense throughout the dissipate at all. CBL uses a great base that is super slick. It's such good stuff.

The scent remained throughout the day (I didn't buy the aftershave because CBL soaps are that good...they don't require an aftershave). I was constantly reminded of how great the scent was often throughout the day. And thats always nice when the scent is very pleasant....and this one is.

This soap is supposed to be a representation of the two hosts of the Drinks & Dave's YouTube show. So basically this soap is fluffy and can decide which Dave is which in that description.

My conclusion:

Buy and enjoy. It's great.
As John Lennon would say, "Another year over....and a new one's just begun"

He was quite the wordsmith.

So 2023 as a year was not bad. Sold my house....moved into the new one. Still trying to get everything settled into its proper place. Made some headway in that department recently as our daughter is coming to visit in February for a 3 state Baby Shower-apalooza! Until this past weekend, the guest room was filled with misc. boxes.....but now it has a bed in it. And a few boxes....but I have a month to get those moved out.

Plans are progressing on the remodel front. We met with two contractors to go over some ideas for the kitchen and bathroom....and then we got back in touch with an old friend from the 1990's and low and behold....he's a contractor here in Vegas!!! Well.....our remodel just got quite a bit cheaper (helps to know a guy). We're waiting for him to finish some work on his mother's house and then he'll be over to start with the planning stages. I'm excited about this development, not just because its now cheaper....but also because my bar and BBQ will get moved back up in the priority list. Hoping that by this time next year......everything will be finished up and I can relax in my bar and watch some sports.

See ya Later!
I knew you were going to be the culprit on this attack.

Submit an application and the vetting officer will get back to you.
If I promise to wear a blue watch is that enough?
Wow....what a difference a week makes.

Today I (finally) registered for the TSC Con. I wasn't waiting for any particular reason....just forgetful and lazy. But that's all taken care of. Might still book a room at the hotel. Silly part is that I can stand in my backyard and see the hotel. Its literally a 4 minute drive from my house. So I'm waiting on that decision. Plus I truly hate paying resort fees and there's no way to get around them in this town anymore. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Got plans to go see the Golden Knights play on monday afternoon. The wife and I celebrate 31 years on tuesday so this is our big gift to each other. I think the plan is to go to dinner on tuesday. I'm not sure....I planned monday.

On the house side: I've put away all 15 boxes of books. Moving from a house that had built-in book shelves into a house that didn't.... kinda sucks. But thank you internet...I now have book shelves the wife likes and all the books are put away. Next I'm going to go through and purge out some books that should go buh-bye!

The airplane tickets were secured for my daughter's 3 state Baby shower-apalooza......I guess my part in all of this is to pay for the tickets.....and the food at 2 showers.....and a huge gift.....and shipping to send that gift to tennessee after the showers. I only thought it would get cheaper after she moved out and got married.

See ya Later!
So....the 3 state baby shower-apalooza has arrived.......and there's already been a change. My Daughter's mother-in-law was supposed to put on the Tennessee part of the 3 state baby shower-apalooza but she hasn't planned anything. So the Tennessee portion will now occur sometime in late March (we hope, we think, who knows?). All the planning for the Vegas shower and the Los Angeles shower has been handled (didn't cost me near what I thought......but still more than I hoped. But how often do you get a first grandchild?)

The Golden Knights season is still humming along. Not in first place....but solidly in second so a playoff spot is looking good. Now Spring Training is getting under way and that's when I really get excited. I'm getting plans together to go to Phoenix next spring for some pre-season games....maybe I'll make plans to see a certain Master Barber while I'm down there.

Today's shave journal:

Used the Jermyn Street soap that @NurseDave sent me. WOW!!!! That's some great soap. Lathered up fantastically. And I got a terrific, smooth shave. Add in the extra bonus of it smelling incredible and this soap is a winner. I'll be ordering a supply of this stuff real soon. Thanks The Man!

See ya Later!
Slowly recovering from the Baby shower weekend. Everything went well. Had a bit of rain but not during the shower (ironic?) so everyone was happy with the outcome. My Granddaughter is going to be the best dressed girl in Tennessee as soon as she arrives.

The Tennessee shower is slowly coming together. The mother-in-law is dragging her feet so its an up-hill battle for my daughter. Only about 12 people are being invited and the MIL thinks that's no reason to have a party. I guess she imagined that there would be 50 people and a keg......she's very difficult to deal with. Another issue we had to deal with was that my daughter wanted to buy a dresser for the baby....a nice piece of furniture that would last her whole life. We bought a set of dressers for our daughter when she was born and she has continued to use there is a tradition in our family. The MIL didn't like the dresser that was picked out and wanted to buy something I had to go online and order the dresser before she could get something else. I'm sure she's cursing my name as we speak.

Used the CBL Drinks and Dave's soap this morning. Quite a great scent on that one. Fantastic lather and I guess I can say that I have Drinks and Dave's on my face......or not.

In other news: I'm slowly catching up on tv shows I got behind on watching. My new favorite: Monsieur Spade. Its the Sam Spade character made famous by Humphrey Bogart but after the Maltese Falcon story. Very fun drama....lots of subtitles...and really well acted.

Talk to ya Later!!
I see a pattern with people giving you soap, and you being blown away by the scents and performance. You need to get out there more, buy more soaps and expand your horizons!
I see a pattern with people giving you soap, and you being blown away by the scents and performance. You need to get out there more, buy more soaps and expand your horizons!
I probably have more soap than I'll ever need in my lifetime (because someone taught me how to make a puck of Williams last until the end of time!) I'm not sure how many more I can buy. But yes.....I am looking at more soap.
I see a pattern with people giving you soap, and you being blown away by the scents and performance. You need to get out there more, buy more soaps and expand your horizons!
I sent @heysi some garbage C&E soap.

Did you use it as a bath soap or bin it?