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Keto: it’s what works for my body


“I am the Grail Razor Hunter”
After nearly 8 months of keto I took a break for the last month. I’ve been eating sensibly and trying to avoid excessive carbs, but I find myself falling into some old habits(like eating 3 bowls of Cheerios at midnight…). Physically I’m more tired and always farting… So, my body has made up its mind for me, I’m back on keto. Maybe not the most strict keto diet, but a maintenance way of eating for sure. I may toss the odd apple or can of beer in there to spice up life a bit, but I know for certain this is the best way for me to eat. Weight wise, my low was 180 this year I’m currently sitting at 191 and would prefer to keep my weight around 185 or so, otherwise all my shirts are a hair tight.

I’m not going to rush into intermittent fasting, but I like to throw that in from time to time too. I figure I’ll get keto adapted first and then ease into IF and maybe OMAD again. We’ll see!
After nearly 8 months of keto I took a break for the last month. I’ve been eating sensibly and trying to avoid excessive carbs, but I find myself falling into some old habits(like eating 3 bowls of Cheerios at midnight…). Physically I’m more tired and always farting… So, my body has made up its mind for me, I’m back on keto. Maybe not the most strict keto diet, but a maintenance way of eating for sure. I may toss the odd apple or can of beer in there to spice up life a bit, but I know for certain this is the best way for me to eat. Weight wise, my low was 180 this year I’m currently sitting at 191 and would prefer to keep my weight around 185 or so, otherwise all my shirts are a hair tight.

I’m not going to rush into intermittent fasting, but I like to throw that in from time to time too. I figure I’ll get keto adapted first and then ease into IF and maybe OMAD again. We’ll see!
I think this is a good plan. I am a big proponent of switching things up from time to time. Kind of like keeping the body guessing. But in the end it is nice to know what you need to do to get the job done. Intermittent fasting is a good tool, as well as OMAD, but I don't think they need to be done 24/7 365 days a year. I have had good success with a higher protein approach and sort of ketogenic. I am currently on a 42/4/54 (protein/carbs/fat) approach to my diet right now. We will see what happens

And Good Luck!
I have to agree with you Matt (or am I agreeing with your body?), my body definitely feels better when I am primarily carnivore. I "Fell of the wagon" last month when I went on a cruise with my wife and haven't been right since. Earlier this year I found that there are a lot of non-starch vegetables that make me feel poorly (pain, bloating etc) so I default to avoiding most salad like vegetables. My recent return to the world of carbs/sugary treats has once again proved that eating that way not only packs on the pounds but makes me feel bad in SO many other ways.

Sadly, making the return to "carnivore" from the land of carbs is like trying to break a bad crack habit. I swear there is a withdrawal period where a series of physical and psychological factors work against breaking away from the hold sugars have on me. I know that once I get beyond that 2-3 day period things get easier but that 2-3 day hurdle is a hard one.
I think this is a good plan. I am a big proponent of switching things up from time to time. Kind of like keeping the body guessing. But in the end it is nice to know what you need to do to get the job done. Intermittent fasting is a good tool, as well as OMAD, but I don't think they need to be done 24/7 365 days a year. I have had good success with a higher protein approach and sort of ketogenic. I am currently on a 42/4/54 (protein/carbs/fat) approach to my diet right now. We will see what happens

And Good Luck!

I have to agree with you Matt (or am I agreeing with your body?), my body definitely feels better when I am primarily carnivore. I "Fell of the wagon" last month when I went on a cruise with my wife and haven't been right since. Earlier this year I found that there are a lot of non-starch vegetables that make me feel poorly (pain, bloating etc) so I default to avoiding most salad like vegetables. My recent return to the world of carbs/sugary treats has once again proved that eating that way not only packs on the pounds but makes me feel bad in SO many other ways.

Sadly, making the return to "carnivore" from the land of carbs is like trying to break a bad crack habit. I swear there is a withdrawal period where a series of physical and psychological factors work against breaking away from the hold sugars have on me. I know that once I get beyond that 2-3 day period things get easier but that 2-3 day hurdle is a hard one.
Thanks guys, honestly the sugars and carbs don't bother me so much. I eat so much more and want to eat so much more when I'm not eating carnivore/keto. I mean I could eat all day if there are are carbs involved, but only really want to eat once or twice when eating meats and veggies only.

I'm sure I'll get back to my old self soon, but it is nice to switch things up once in a while.
Thanks guys, honestly the sugars and carbs don't bother me so much. I eat so much more and want to eat so much more when I'm not eating carnivore/keto. I mean I could eat all day if there are are carbs involved, but only really want to eat once or twice when eating meats and veggies only.

I'm sure I'll get back to my old self soon, but it is nice to switch things up once in a while.
EXACTLY!. When I am not eating a basic very low carb or keto/carnivore type diet my appetite and ability/desire to eat all day is beyond description.
I have to agree with you Matt (or am I agreeing with your body?), my body definitely feels better when I am primarily carnivore. I "Fell of the wagon" last month when I went on a cruise with my wife and haven't been right since. Earlier this year I found that there are a lot of non-starch vegetables that make me feel poorly (pain, bloating etc) so I default to avoiding most salad like vegetables. My recent return to the world of carbs/sugary treats has once again proved that eating that way not only packs on the pounds but makes me feel bad in SO many other ways.

Sadly, making the return to "carnivore" from the land of carbs is like trying to break a bad crack habit. I swear there is a withdrawal period where a series of physical and psychological factors work against breaking away from the hold sugars have on me. I know that once I get beyond that 2-3 day period things get easier but that 2-3 day hurdle is a hard one.
I can relate! This month I am doing a carnivore-ish diet. And right now I am in those serious carb withdrawals. Taking in a lot of electrolytes is helping, but unfortunately you just have to buck up for those few days. I am proud of you Chris...eating the way you do isn't the easiest socially. I get a lot of looks when I opt for the 12-16 ounce steak and pass on the fries and the vegetables.
Thanks guys, honestly the sugars and carbs don't bother me so much. I eat so much more and want to eat so much more when I'm not eating carnivore/keto. I mean I could eat all day if there are are carbs involved, but only really want to eat once or twice when eating meats and veggies only.

I'm sure I'll get back to my old self soon, but it is nice to switch things up once in a while.

EXACTLY!. When I am not eating a basic very low carb or keto/carnivore type diet my appetite and ability/desire to eat all day is beyond description.
There are a few research scientists touting a hypothesis called the "Protein Leverage Hypothesis." In a nut shell it says that a human will eat until you reach a certain threshold of protein. So...if you eat nothing but processed foods that are low in protein, your body will still want to eat until it hits its threshold. I think this is part of it.

What we do know is that when you eat a primarily protein and fat rich diet, signaling receptors and molecules come into play and tell your body that you are not hungry any more. The first time I did keto, my first couple weeks were rough. I was eating a high fat diet, but I kept wanting to eat large amounts like I used to with the carbs. I made myself sick so many times it wasn't even funny.

Basically, when you eat a low carb type diet (whatever that may be, paleo, keto, carnivore), it is very much a self regulating diet.
There are a few research scientists touting a hypothesis called the "Protein Leverage Hypothesis." In a nut shell it says that a human will eat until you reach a certain threshold of protein. So...if you eat nothing but processed foods that are low in protein, your body will still want to eat until it hits its threshold. I think this is part of it.

What we do know is that when you eat a primarily protein and fat rich diet, signaling receptors and molecules come into play and tell your body that you are not hungry any more. The first time I did keto, my first couple weeks were rough. I was eating a high fat diet, but I kept wanting to eat large amounts like I used to with the carbs. I made myself sick so many times it wasn't even funny.

Basically, when you eat a low carb type diet (whatever that may be, paleo, keto, carnivore), it is very much a self regulating diet.
Really interesting stuff Don! This is exactly how I FEEL and I know it is the right way to eat for me. I would not doubt if protein is what drives it all. Now, my question is how do people in Asia who eat 40-60% of their diet in Rice or other carb rich foods maintain a healthy weight? I wonder if it goes go genetics and further into lifestyle?
Really interesting stuff Don! This is exactly how I FEEL and I know it is the right way to eat for me. I would not doubt if protein is what drives it all. Now, my question is how do people in Asia who eat 40-60% of their diet in Rice or other carb rich foods maintain a healthy weight? I wonder if it goes go genetics and further into lifestyle?
It's definitely genetics. They have an adaptation that allows them to metabolically use rice in a better way. But don't get hung up on Asians and all the carbs. They eat their share of protein too. Japan and Hong Kong both eat more meat per person than than the rest of the world. AND they have the longest average life spans. ( I can provide references if you would like, but I am bit pressed for time at the moment). There is a lot of research out now that suggest optimal protein intake is about 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass (lean body mass is everything except fat and water). So if a person was 180 pounds, and their ideal weight was 160. They should be eating about 150 - 160 grams of protein a day. Now, that isn't to say that you can eat less...but this is an optimal scenario. Keep in mind, the only way to stimulate muscle growth is through working out the muscles (typically in day to day activity or weight training of some sort) and muscle protein synthesis. In order to activate muscle protein synthesis you need to consume at least 30 grams of protein in a sitting (if you are a younger person - under the age of 40). Older people (40 and over) will need a bit more protein to stimulate MPS. Why 30 grams you say? 30 grams is an approximation. But, in order to activate MPS you need approx. 2.5 grams of the amino acid Leucine. 30 grams of animal based protein (eggs, meat, fish, milk) has about that much Leucine. However, you have to have all the other essential amino acids present as well.

Okay...just realized I geeked out on you...sorry. But I find this stuff interesting.
You guys may have already tried these. I just found them and WOW!

FLOCKS not cheap but good

13 G of Protein
0 carbs or, 1carb depending on Flavor, 0 sugar

These are my favorite so far

$3 for a tiny bag??? No friggin' way.
Most things that are geared toward the low carb community are pretty expensive. Things are getting better as more products become available and more people have interest.