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been trying to get myself to eat sardines i bought over the last couple years. My fam isn’t interested in me opening the jars or cans.

oddly enough my wife makes a great herring salad called “herring under a fur coat”. The translation is awful, i know, its just ridiculously tasty.

i was just looking up the salad and apparently by legend its an acronym for “boycott and damnation to chauvinism and decadence”. Hmm
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“herring under a fur coat”
Just looked that up! I would totally eat that!

My fam isn’t interested in me opening the jars or cans.
My wife is the same way. I usually eat these things strategically. When I do eat them...she is usually in another room and I will quickly open them up...and then toss the can in the garbage...take the garbage to our bin (outside)...and then make sure any drainage is down the sink and rinsed thoroughly!
Actually Dave...I would probably like that. If I ever see it...I'm giving it a try! Honestly, there isn't much in the way of fish that I don't like. I think it is in my genetics.
If you cannot find let me know and I will send you some..... Leaving AZ in 117 heat it should be just about "perfect" when it gets to LA LOL
Unfortunately I almost lost my life yesterday due to what is now known as the "Kippered Burrito Incident of 2020".......... Of course in true BarberDave fashion I was opening the Kippered snacks on a 2 inch portion of the counter in front of the sink. Indeed to ensure that in the event of accident the can and all it's "Fishy/Smoky" oil would harmlessly fall into the sink. It should be noted at this time that there was plenty of room, About 3-4 feet, of wide counter space available for the construction of the Siracha Kipper Burrito.....

This is where 2020 showed its teeth ( Sharon as well )... Now, as I had stated in previous threads yesterday we were about to go out to Celebrate a Milestone birthday with friends. Here is where a series of errors were made by the author of this narrative........

1. Was Hungry
2. Opened Snacks in a limited space
3. Flooded the house with the aroma of smoky kippers. Note: (This mixed with my cologne and her perfume made for an interesting fragrance combination that apparently affects felines and induces hissing and a sneeze, by said cat followed by what only can be described as a hasty and expedient exit.)
4. Left open container (with Kipper juice) on said limited space counter
5. Induced by the Kippers smell, Fire department showed up as neighbors were concernedda fish processing plant was burning
6. "El Diablo" Showed her ugly side
7. Said empty can was launched as a projectile when aluminum lid would not complete "undocking" from main power unit
8 Said missile released frag bombs of Kippered liquid in a horizontal but 30 degree azimuth.
9. After perihelion FCBM's hit target... That target being aforementioned "El Diablo" dba Sharon "The Wife/Demon" aka the birthday girl/devil/very upset human
10. I laughed and Ate my masterpiece. ( as stated I was hungry and just came off a two day fast )


I now sit here thankful I still have limbs and am breathing. There are some injuries to the upper arms and thorasic area where it met with both human/demon and physical blunt force trauma by both solid objects and fists.... Also now relegated to take human bodily coverings that are contaminated with the nuclear Kipper fallout to dry cleaner. I also have been given orders to decontaminate the sink, garbage can, and floors of any residual fallout, as well as apologize to said cat for the emotional trauma this may have caused.

I am now only allowed to open, kippers, sardines, herring, or any other Ichthyological items in the backyard, away from any living creatures and preferably behind the shed.

I am alive however, and thankful for that.........

Report Submitted 2 August 2020
Tried these recently and they are absolutely delicious. They barely even taste like sardines, no fishy taste whatsoever. The herbs, pepper, garlic and olives give a great overall flavor to the whole thing. If you are on the fence about trying sardines, give these a try first.

I'll have to give those a try. I haven't tried a lot of brands of sardines really because I am particular. I prefer sardines that are in either olive oil or water, and I prefer wild caught as opposed to farm raised. Until recently, there hasn't been a lot in the way of these or they have been really expensive. Previously, most of what you find had soybean oil or some other seed oil that I really try to limit as much as I possibly can. But it seems recently (not an objective term) there have been more and more options. The wild caught versions are more nutritious for you and have much more in the way of Omega 3 fatty acid profile. Tanks for bringing these to my attention @Spider .
I prefer sardines that are in either olive oil or water, and I prefer wild caught as opposed to farm raised.
Same here. Everything I recently bough falls in line. I bought mainly King Oscar and Seasons because they both consistently fell in the top of lists of the best sardines and were both readily available to me. Having tried both, I think I slightly prefer the King Oscar. I'd highly recommend you try them.

I'm still working my way through both brands and haven't tried every variety I bought yet. Looking forward to the King Oscar in Olive oil with Jalapenos next!
This thread is interesting but I keep thinking who would have thought to come to a shaving forum to learn about sardines
This thread is interesting but I keep thinking who would have thought to come to a shaving forum to learn about sardines
Since when is any shaving forum 100% about shaving????
So my dad made scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, chives and sour cream. It was delicious. Wondering how that would be with sardines.
Ok, those taste like a tuna salt lick
Yeah, I tried them by themselves once. Too salty to eat alone. But great in cooking. Stick to sardines, not anchovies for your snacks.