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CBL Tonsorial- new releases (& coupons) announced here!

a.k.a. CBLindsay
Artisan Retailer
To make it easier to keep tabs on all the new releases, restocks and coupons for the CBL Tonsorial line I have started this thread.

First up- Roasted Oatmeal Stout 3oz tub is ready to go, I’ll be making it available on my website soon. The cost of production for this one is a bit higher (a 6 pack of Guinness isn’t cheap eh) so the list price is $10. The Cadre get a special coupon to make the cost $9 TSC10ROS This coupon is also available for VISITORS to The Shaving Cadre who visit my vendor store (feel free to stay and become a member).

others coming- I’m not spilling the beans but I will say there are as many as 4 more on deck for a release date of December 1 …and these are going to be stunners, boldly scented, visually interesting and very buzz-worthy. I understand many of you are tempted to wait to see what’s on deck BUT fear you might miss out on the very popular roasted oatmeal stout. SO, if you want me to hold a tub (1) of the ROS aside for you while you wait to see if any of the pending tubs interest you, just send a PM to letting me know. I’ll hold a tub aside until after the new releases, if you end up not wanting any just place your regular order without anything else. I’ll hold the ROS aside until at least 12/10 to give you plenty of time to think about it.
I thought it was supposed to be "followed by the pound sign"... Why is everyone putting it in the front????