The Shaving Cadre

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Yup...this is from a real email


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus this just happened the other day and I HAVE to share it with you. I am not including names for obvious reasons. A little back story. A co-worker of mine was eating in our break room and unintentionally as well as unknown to him, dropped a small bit of yogurt on the floor. Again, he didn't realize that he did this. Here is the email that was sent to our ENTIRE agency from one of the Admin staff:

Someone spilled a ton of yogurt in the hallway going to the kitchen. Looks pretty gross. If it's you, please clean it up before it becomes a safety hazard. Thanks!

This was my co-worker's response:

It was me.

I fully acknowledge my foul yogurty manners. I guess I am just "un-cultured."

I honestly didn't even know I spilled it. It's gone now.

So everyone may now walk with wanton abandon without fear of a yogurt induced mishap. Whew.

Thanks for letting me know. I can be oblivious sometimes.

I think this can pretty much sums up the passive-aggresive nature of how things are communicated in the office now days!
Passive Aggressive behavior is just the worst. I absolutely detest it. If you want me to do something just ask me to do it. In this case there is nothing to benefit from "outing" a person. If it is indeed a "safety hazard," then as the first person to recognize it, you are obligated to correct it if you able. If you are unable to correct it, it's your duty to report it. Anyway...I just found it funny!
From what I was just a very small spot. Like the size of a nickel.