The Shaving Cadre

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(Your take) What is the most beautiful razor ever made?


“I am the Grail Razor Hunter”
What is the most beautiful Razor(straights or safety) in your opinion?

This is of course a YMMV(your mileage may vary) subject, but I thought it would be fun to see what everyone's take is on this subject!

And..... GO!


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My only knowledge is that within my own experience. I know that sounds redundant, but you don’t know what you don’t know. That said, back in the fall I purchased the Boker Count Engelbert II. Very beautiful.


From a vintage point of view, my hearts desire is a Wade and Butcher 9/8 FBU wedge in mint condition with all markings, well, mint-like. (No picture ‘cause I ain’t got one).