The Shaving Cadre

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Your Manly Shave of the Week! March 22 - March 28


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus
Inspired by @NurseDave 's Manly Shave this morning (and what is more manly than a health professional battling on the front lines of a major war right now), and Fluffy's @Maryland998 reputation, and @ShawnF 's forging abilities (and all the other manly people and activities that go on around TSC).

Sometime this week show us your Manly Shave of the Week! This could be as simple as you describing what you shaved with. Or maybe you want to post a picture. Or maybe even post a shave video. Whatever you want to do...but let's all post at least one shave this week that we consider the manly of manly shaves!

I will post mine later today likely after I do some yard work.

This Manly Shave of the week is dedicated to all the people on the front lines right now (like @bentheduck ) that are putting their lives before others in combating this microscopic enemy.

So us what you got!
Starting this one out with a manly shave for @bentheduck

Razor: Gillette Psycho Tech
Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Mann - Terror
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino
The Penultimate Aftershave: Danger Elixir
The Ultimate Aftershave: Barrister & Mann - Terror


Yesterday I started a thread about posting your manly shave of the week. This is done in honor of our front line guys who are working in hospitals, clinics, ambulances, and the such. Mad respect for these people. So I decided to go ahead and start my week off with a good manly shave!

For the longest time I did not use Barrister and Mann soaps because I tried one a while back and was not all that impressed. Fast Forward to last year. One of our Heroes, @bentheduck, pif'd me a tub of B&M Terror! This stuff shave great. What impresses me the most is that the lather is one of the thickest and richest lathers I have tried. Very protective also. In other words, the lather is some good stuff.

The scent is supposed to be a Frankincense/Barbershop scent. I smell something along those lines, albeit faint...I mean very faint. Most of what I smell is the synthetic menthol. Not unpleasant...just very neutral.

This is , however, one of the colder soaps I have tried. Not the coldest...just colder. But it feels really nice. The freeze does last a bit longer than most, but the Likes of CBL Ghost versions and The Holy Black Creeper soaps last longer.

The Post Shave Feel (PSF) is much better than I expected also. Leaves the face feeling nice and super smooth with out being overly drying or overly "greasy."

Now the Aftershave! Now this is where it's at! It's the same scent (obviously), but the cold factor got kicked up a notch. It's not sub-arctic freezing temperatures (it's totally tolerable), but it is pretty cold. But the duration of the freeze lasts quite some time! I splashed some on about an hour ago, and to be honest this freeze is still going strong! This is some good juice! what can I say about my shave. Well the Psycho Tech is one of mt favorite razors. Not just because it is a hard razor to get...with the original key...but because it is a great shaver! And I think it shaves better than other techs also. It is likely the longer handle and the heavier weight. Either's manly! Three regular passes and three days of beard (maybe more...I kind of lost track) was wiped away and nothing but smooth skin is left!

Before the Terror Aftershave was applied, I splashed my face with the Danger Elixir. This is a concoction of 2 parts witch hazel, 1 part Superior 70, and several drops of Vegetable Glycerin. I measure this out in ounces and added 10 drops of the glycerin. It's something I am playing around with and is an ever evolving post shave, pre-aftershave splash.

By the way...a quick note about Terror. This B&M set is actually named after the HMS Terror that was searching for the North West Passage and was stuck in ice and I believe all the crew died. The account was later made into a novel and later into a TV Series. The series was amazing (first season that was actually about the incident...the second season sucked). My wife read the book and said that it did a great job at instilling dread and hopelessness as she read it. The TV series did a pretty good job also. Anyway...this is what B&M had to say about it:

There is a place. A place that hungers for the warmth of living things, that consumes all who come near. A bitter, empty wasteland, a yawning chasm at the top of the world. Such places are not meant for men.The HMS Terror, along with all 129 souls it carried, was lost to the Arctic in 1848, consumed by the endless, empty hunger of the ice. A veteran of the War of 1812 and retrofitted for Arctic exploration, the Terror and its sister ship the HMS Erebus were swallowed by the frigid waters, their crews left to make their way for 600 miles in an attempt to escape the same fate. But the creeping, bone-shattering cold of the Arctic does not abide weakness. Nor does it have any regard for strength of spirit and stoutness of character. It knows only hunger, and devours without restraint. None survived.Inspired by the grisly legend of the Terror and the Erebus, our Terror shaving soap gives new meaning to bitter cold. We blended frankincense (the smell of ship’s timbers) with the very essence of cold water to bring to mind the empty wastes of the Arctic Circle, and have incorporated our custom blend of cooling agents to bring an insidious, endless chill to the experience. Tearless and stingless, unlike its mentholated cousin Arctique, Terror is a ghastly revelation, a glimpse into abyss. Heaven help us if it ever glimpses back.
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Monday March 23, 2020
2020 Shave # 87 ( 504 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Schick "G" Injector
Blade: Chick (1)
Brush: Stuart
Soap: CBL Tonsorial HorsePower
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Aqua Velva

Doesn't get much more manly than this soap !!
Monday March 23, 2020
2020 Shave # 87 ( 504 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Schick "G" Injector
Blade: Chick (1)
Brush: Stuart
Soap: CBL Tonsorial HorsePower
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Aqua Velva

Doesn't get much more manly than this soap !!
View attachment 19252
That is a manly soap!
My manly shave was with my new to me Schick Hydromagic injector, my Razorock BC Silvertip synthetic, Schick blade, and Mike's Natural Soaps Unscented. Manly because the Schick requires different handling that I am slowly getting comfortable with, so the shave can have some minor drama (but no bad words, which might make the shave more manly! :p ), and unscented soap means my natural BO is front and center!! 😜

Today in the pharmacy we now have a sheet of clear plastic hanging between us and the patients. We pass money and prescriptions under the plastic, which is a few inches above the counter. Why not go full urban gas station, and get the plexiglass with the weird pass thru door and a muffled speaker!? Seriously though, the idea is to help us all stay safe and healthy, whether patient or staff. Folks are having fun with it, so that is good. And I was getting tired of the people that have to lay across the counter, practically falling into the pharmacy. Some even try to see what we are looking at on the screen, to which I say Donkey Kong!!

Stay well and look out for your fellow travelers on spaceship Earth.
My manly shave was with my new to me Schick Hydromagic injector, my Razorock BC Silvertip synthetic, Schick blade, and Mike's Natural Soaps Unscented. Manly because the Schick requires different handling that I am slowly getting comfortable with, so the shave can have some minor drama (but no bad words, which might make the shave more manly! :p ), and unscented soap means my natural BO is front and center!! 😜

Today in the pharmacy we now have a sheet of clear plastic hanging between us and the patients. We pass money and prescriptions under the plastic, which is a few inches above the counter. Why not go full urban gas station, and get the plexiglass with the weird pass thru door and a muffled speaker!? Seriously though, the idea is to help us all stay safe and healthy, whether patient or staff. Folks are having fun with it, so that is good. And I was getting tired of the people that have to lay across the counter, practically falling into the pharmacy. Some even try to see what we are looking at on the screen, to which I say Donkey Kong!!

Stay well and look out for your fellow travelers on spaceship Earth.
That certainly is a manly shave! And a dangerous job at that! Stay safe my friend...and I am hoping for the bullet proof glass encasement! Might make things interesting! 🤪
Razor: Gillette Psycho Tech
Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Iron Throne
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Danger Elixir
The Ultimate Aftershave: Grand Bay - Bay Rum


My second manly shave of the week is a tribute to @NurseDave ! Continuing on with the Gillette Psycho Tech which is a razor I know Mr. Command Post Nurse uses from time to time. I honestly can't think of a much more manly shave than this Iron Throne soap. I hist all the manly scent notes...Bay...Juniper...Rum...Smoked Cedar...Sandalwood...Black Oud. How does it not get manlier than that! Okay... put in TWO types of Menthol! Yup...this is a manly soap. I had three smooth passes with the Psycho Tech! I splashed on several glugs of the Danger Elixir...yes...manliness personified! And then the finishing touch? Grand Bay - Bay Rum...nothing much in this stuff except the original formula...let's just say that today...I exude manliness!