The Shaving Cadre

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Younger Looking Face?


First Responder
I've noticed and others have even said that since I started wet shaving that my face looks younger. As I've seen other TSC guys I'd say there's something to wet shaving that does somehow give us younger looking faces. Thoughts anyone?

As I thought about it, I wonder if the razor is scraping off that dead layer of skin and all the wonderful soap ingredients are just keeping the skin moisturized better too. I then thought about the witch hazel and really think it also tightens the skin and keeps the complexion clearer too. Thoughts anyone?

It's so weird because a year ago I would have laughed at me for caring about any of this
It can’t hurt! All the stuff we put on our face is so much better than canned foam.
Well beyond shaving in general which definitely takes some years off, it’s gotta be the overall care a good and proper shave gives the face - the hydration, the skin food, the exfoliation, the lack of whiskers, etc.

Of course, I’m just waiting for the first person to say “Gear’s opinion doesn’t count, he’s just 12.” Its in the genes! ?
I wasn’t going to say that. I was going to say 18.
It’s working! We’ll all be invited to Meet Your Teacher next Fall at our neighborhood elementary schools!
Maybe I should start putting aftershave everywhere on my face. Where the whiskers grow looks nice and young, but the LOTH told me earlier this week that I am starting to get crow's feet.
Well beyond shaving in general which definitely takes some years off, it’s gotta be the overall care a good and proper shave gives the face - the hydration, the skin food, the exfoliation, the lack of whiskers, etc.

Of course, I’m just waiting for the first person to say “Gear’s opinion doesn’t count, he’s just 12.” Its in the genes!

I will admit, first time I saw your picture I thought "Wow, this high school kid must be the only one in his school wet shaving, good for him." Then as I followed things more I saw you were married with children, etc... All I can say is enjoy it! I'm 45 and often get mistaken for being in my early 30's.

Maybe I should start putting aftershave everywhere on my face. Where the whiskers grow looks nice and young, but the LOTH told me earlier this week that I am starting to get crow's feet.

I use Nivea AS balm on my face post shave and I rub it in under my eyes and in the crow's feet area. It does help. Before I discovered wet shaving I rubbed lotion into those areas. I started that when I noticed my younger brother getting wrinkles under his eyes and crow's feet. I hadn't gotten them yet so I decided to be proactive. Everyone thinks I'm the youngest now out of all my brothers
I know we all want to attribute this phenomena to one or two things. But it's likely a factor of many things. Sure...if you are using an artisan soap and aftershave...the quality of product is significantly better than Gillette Gel or Barbasol. I was looking at some ratings for Proraso the other day and the artisans are even significantly better in quality than that. But in my not so expert opinion...I think it is much more complicated than that.

When we change out one bad habit for a good habit, there are many other things that usually get changed out in the process. It is change in the way we decide things. With shaving, when many of us switched over to wet shaving we add in simple exfoliation (razor and brush), then we switch to better products. From there, many of us decided we want better bath soaps. But it doesn't stop there. we start feeling really good about ourselves and start dressing better. Does this affect other lifestyle changes no matter how subtle. Wash our face at night before sleeping? Eating healthier? Exercise more? Start buying better quality of products in the house for whatever reason? Start paying attention to the medications we take? Want to live a better and healthier life?

And I could go on and on. But I think you get the idea. When we change one little thing in our life for good...there is sort of a butterfly effect...replacing all that was bad with many things that are good!

The question is now...what else have you changed in life that you didn't even realize!
I think you are touching on something Don. For me, not much else has changed but I will say that I gave my face just about a minute or two of attention daily. Now I'm spending 15 or 20 minutes of time each morning shaving it with really good soaps, using witch hazel, and a moisturizing balm post shave. That's a lot of change for sure. Imagine if you increase your exercise x 7 where your body would be. On the emotional side, there's something satisfying about a great shave. It sets the tone for a good start to the day. You get little bits of enjoyment feeling a really smooth face throughout the day and for me mammoth painting just keeps reminding me of the good experience of my morning wet shave and is the shaving superman suit under my clothes

The other thing that occurred to me Don is that it's an artistic expression and new skill. My brain loves to learn new things and that brings wellness and satisfaction. As an artist, my shaves are relaxing and feel a lot like sculpting and all that does something. I think I also like that it's an uncommon skill. Most guys I talk to say stuff like: "Dang, I might shave once a week if I'm lucky and roughness is just the way I roll." or " I shave on Monday and don't really touch a razor until Friday or Saturday." Walk around at work or down the street and you'd be hard pressed to run into another guy who's wet shaving. There's people I see that I wonder if they are wet shavers because they look like they are getting great shaves. So I think you are right Don, there are a lot of things going on that make wet shaving a positive thing in a man's life. Deep stuff when you think about it