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Wow! Ethos purchase


Jr. Shave Member
Just want to give a quick shout out to Frank of Ethos soap. First time to ever get a phone call from a soap maker. Took the time to explain not only his wonderful passion and craftsmanship but also his genuine care to listen. Really wonderful and rare surprise. I was originally just going to get the Supreme Lavendar but given the exceptional service, took the risk on never using the soap, on getting the Argumes scent as well. Really looking forward to this order!!!!
Just want to give a quick shout out to Frank of Ethos soap. First time to ever get a phone call from a soap maker. Took the time to explain not only his wonderful passion and craftsmanship but also his genuine care to listen. Really wonderful and rare surprise. I was originally just going to get the Supreme Lavendar but given the exceptional service, took the risk on never using the soap, on getting the Argumes scent as well. Really looking forward to this order!!!!
What an awesome story. Thank you for sharing.

Frank really is an awesome guy, and a real asset to the shave community. I've seen rave reviews for his soaps, you definitely won't be disappointed. Enjoy!
Frank is one stand up dude! Just wait till you get the package!
Yep, it's my understanding that the soaps are ginormous... 6 or 7 ounces (compared to the typical 4).

As a testament to their quality, I am pretty sure you have to hold @dmshaver or @DanLaw at gunpoint to get them to stop using Ethos. Lol. That good!

Post your thoughts after you've had a shave?
Frank bends over backwards to make sure you're a satisfied customer, and his products are exceptional.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Yep, it's my understanding that the soaps are ginormous... 6 or 7 ounces (compared to the typical 4).

As a testament to their quality, I am pretty sure you have to hold @dmshaver or @DanLaw at gunpoint to get them to stop using Ethos. Lol. That good!
You bring up a great point, Ethos has 7 ounces, not 4 ounces as many soaps are.

And if I'm stood in front of a firing squad, I'm not asking for a cigarette, I'm asking for one last lather of Ethos Lavender!
Just want to give a quick shout out to Frank of Ethos soap. First time to ever get a phone call from a soap maker. Took the time to explain not only his wonderful passion and craftsmanship but also his genuine care to listen. Really wonderful and rare surprise. I was originally just going to get the Supreme Lavendar but given the exceptional service, took the risk on never using the soap, on getting the Argumes scent as well. Really looking forward to this order!!!!

interesting story, but curious as to why he called initially, did you have an ordering issue?
@global_dev ..No issue to resolve before hand. We talked for about 30 mins while he was headed to his warehouse to make shipments. Got a lot of wonderful knowledge. I had read about Ethos in short limited capacity. I was super appreciative he took a moment from his busy schedule to give me his invaluable time without me asking for it or to be frank about Frank, about not giving me a sales pitch or using decorative words to make the a sale. The way he spoke was just like someone honest.

He is probably the only American soap maker that has shown real genuine gesture in his speech and craftsmanship. Yeah. Maybe there are others but after talking with Frank without knowing anything about his soap or him, I am going to be honestly bias not to go find another. I am a newbie so don't mean to cross any fences to make an offence to others here or in the soap making world.

I can name three Spanish soap makers that do this but as far as in the States, not seen it or heard about about it. Especially to a complete stranger that Frank may not know would actually commit to a sale.

If Frank ever gives me an issue, I feel more than confident he will bend over backwards to make it right. But I doubt it should come to that.
Sounds like a great experience and exposure, i am just curious if he called you out of the blue or you asked ethos a question or how it started.
@global_dev ..No issue to resolve before hand. We talked for about 30 mins while he was headed to his warehouse to make shipments. Got a lot of wonderful knowledge. I had read about Ethos in short limited capacity. I was super appreciative he took a moment from his busy schedule to give me his invaluable time without me asking for it or to be frank about Frank, about not giving me a sales pitch or using decorative words to make the a sale. The way he spoke was just like someone honest.

He is probably the only American soap maker that has shown real genuine gesture in his speech and craftsmanship. Yeah. Maybe there are others but after talking with Frank without knowing anything about his soap or him, I am going to be honestly bias not to go find another. I am a newbie so don't mean to cross any fences to make an offence to others here or in the soap making world.

I can name three Spanish soap makers that do this but as far as in the States, not seen it or heard about about it. Especially to a complete stranger that Frank may not know would actually commit to a sale.

If Frank ever gives me an issue, I feel more than confident he will bend over backwards to make it right. But I doubt it should come to that.

Hello my friend. It was a pleasure talking to you as well. I think I called you because of a question or something I read in one of the posts that I thought I could respond to better in a phone chat than in a pm or post...heck my typing skills are ok at best so what takes me 30 minutes to type I can say over the phone in 5 minutes..well that's probably stretching it a bit I have been known to rant on! LOL
I just saw this post and I'd like to thank all for the kind and encouraging words. It means a lot to me truly. I do like to talk to my customers whenever possible not only to form a open form of communication with them but also just to get to know others who share a passion for this hobby of ours as I do. I also love to hear ideas on what you'd like to see come out of ETHOS Grooming Essentials as far as products and scents etc. I'm a newbie in this particular arena of selling grooming products but I try to think about things that I would like from a customer's viewpoint.
I'm always up for a chat so send me a text or pm and we can set up a day and time.

Thanks guys! (y) 🙂