The Shaving Cadre

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Working at Home

Since I retired a few years ago, my shaving now happens later in the morning each day and is slower and more relaxed than when I was driving or busing to work. My wife, who still works, has decided that working from home - originally mandated by the pandemic restrictions - is much more enjoyable than going to the office was, and she has decided never to return to office work. Fortunately her employers have readily agreed to this. But it got me wondering how many of you have switched to working at home rather than going to a different workplace and how this has affected your shaving routine. Does it allow more flexibility in the timing? Or a slower and more meditative pace of shaving? Or the 'opportunity' to just skip a day's shave now and then?
I absolutely despise working at home and am ready to be back at the office full time. EXCEPT when we go back they are going to 100% open floor concept open seating. So I have also lost my office so who knows what i'll do.

Shaving routine still the same. I wake up at same time and just read during what was my commute time
Never got the chance to work from home. Even when I am home though (days off) my time/routine doesn’t change for shaving. I make time, working or not, to enjoy each shave.
No chance for me working from home...even a little bit. I work for a State Government so I have no say in this matter at all. With my job, sometimes office life is a necessity. But I could realistically see myself working from two or three days a week. We did this for a little while and it seemed to work well for me.

During the stay at home days, I will admit that my shaving was down a bit. Probably two - three times a week, opposed to the three - four times a week as I usually did. But the shaves were usually done early afternoon after my workout (another thing that has suffered post working from home).
Unfortunately I am not able to work from home. I was off for 8-9 weeks last year at the beginning of the pandemic, then back to work. So my shave routine has not changed.
Well I am working in the office for the first time since March of last year. My office that had a door has been removed, and all the locking cabinets are in the hallway for me to clean up. Okay cool I knew I had to do that as well today. Then I go out to the open floor concept. 1 person allowed for every 6 desks and there are no cables, no docking stations, no keyboards, etc. So here I sit on my cell phone working from my laptop. So in order to come into the office apparently I need to bring keyboards, mouse, and cables. I think I'll be staying at home a little longer. UGH!
Been working at home for a year+ now. I shave when I feel like it, which is usually mid-morning. Yes, it's more relaxed, but it takes about the same amount of time.
I worked from home 100% of the time from 3/15/2020-3/01/2021 and now I go into the office 1-2 times a week. My employer would like us to be in the office 4 days a week by 9/1/2021 which is fine. I sort of like being able to work from home, but at the same time I really enjoy being around people.
During the stay at home days, I will admit that my shaving was down a bit. Probably two - three times a week, opposed to the three - four times a week as I usually did. But the shaves were usually done early afternoon after my workout (another thing that has suffered post working from home).
I'd say I was shaving 2-3 times a week too, and now I'm back up to my typical 5-6.
Like Matt, I've been WFH 100% since 3/15/20. I've gone into the office exactly 3 times since then to work, all within the past 5 or so weeks. It takes me 1.5 hours each way to get into the downtown office, so I've been getting back 3 hours PER DAY of my life which has been immensely appreciated, especially with the arrival of our son last May. This is time with him I simply wouldn't have gotten back had I not been WFH.

Starting 7/12 they're saying 1-2 days with the "new normal" of 3 days in the office starting Labor Day. 2-3 days in the office going forward feels about right, as I miss being around my colleagues and having in-person collaboration. But getting back all that time (not to mention the $250 a month in train tickets and parking) is hard to argue with. A nice balance going forward will be much appreciated.

This WFH time has dramatically changed my shaving. In the old days, I would have to wake up at 5am and be out the door by 5:30 in order to get a parking spot at the train station - after 5:50 they were gone! So a quick one pass shave with Barbasol was all that was done on weekdays, with longer and full wet shave experiences done a couple times a work week in the evening. Now, I'm able to wake up, work out, shower and have a full shave before logging on. That's been super nice. I'm hopeful that the parking situation at my train station doesn't return to the pre-Covid times as right now I can catch a 7am train and still find parking. We'll see how it goes!
I teach high school history, so working at home last year was a nightmare. I didn't like it, the kids didn't like it, the parents didn't like it, etc. I shaved every day, just like normal, but went to my "office" in the basement instead of driving to school. I'm glad to be going back to some semblance of normalcy. I won't miss teaching from home one bit.

My wife, on the other hand, loves working from home, which is another reason for me to get out of the house!
I teach high school history, so working at home last year was a nightmare. I didn't like it, the kids didn't like it, the parents didn't like it, etc. I shaved every day, just like normal, but went to my "office" in the basement instead of driving to school. I'm glad to be going back to some semblance of normalcy. I won't miss teaching from home one bit.

My wife, on the other hand, loves working from home, which is another reason for me to get out of the house!
Yes, so glad our kids will be back in school and not able to "multitask" with all sorts of other things during class!
Well, this doesn't pertain to me much, but I'll add my 2 cents. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was allowed to work from home a day here and there to make up for the big hours we were putting in running the command center. Man, I loved these. I can still ask for day a home now and then but rarely do. The issue I find with shaving is since I don't need to get up and going super early, I can find myself into the workday and still needed to go down and shave and shower. Then it still feels a bit rushed since I don't need to be in the middle of the whole process when I get a call or important email. But I do love getting a hot breakfast, coffee and working in shorts. I told my wife she wasted the whole work from home thing because she usually had the TV off. If I were home for the last year like she was, I would have watched every show I could binge.
No work from Home, and no change really for anything work related for me during the whole thing. It's pretty much business (and shaves) as usual.

If I were home for the last year like she was, I would have watched every show I could binge.
Right? I would have become a serious couch potato....
Fully remote since March, 2020, and not slated to go back to the office until September. But they’ve decided to move my office, and still don’t know where that will be. I have to go in at some point and clean it out.

But then they decided to pilot the group I work in as primarily working from home, so even when we do return, it’s likely to be 1 day per week and in some sort of swing space where we can park when we’re there.


Shaving routine hasn’t changed much, if only occurring later. Once the kids are fully back in school in the fall, I expect grooming time in the morning to revert to normal.