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Word Pronunciations That Make You Cringe


Jr. Shave Member
What are those words that are commonly mispronounced that just makes you cringe when you hear it?

For me it's Caribbean. Most say Care-a-bee-ann. It's supposed to be Ca-rib-e-an.

So what drives you crazy?
It's not a pronunciation so much, but when people say "mine's" instead of "mine" or "my".
What are those words that are commonly mispronounced that just makes you cringe when you hear it?

For me it's Caribbean. Most say Care-a-bee-ann. It's supposed to be Ca-rib-e-an.

So what drives you crazy?
Along with that would be Cay pronounced "kay". It's supposed to be "key". #cruiseshipproblems
I am hard pressed to think of something mispronounced - I know there is a million of them.....

I have a misuse though

When folks say irregardless instead of regardless or using for all intensive purposes instead of for all intents and purposes
People online mispronounce my online handle as "rok-vie-purr" rather than "The Great One, before whom we must all kneel and grovel"
Not sure why so many make this simple mistake; it's not that hard IMO.
I am hard pressed to think of something mispronounced - I know there is a million of them.....

I have a misuse though

When folks say irregardless instead of regardless or using for all intensive purposes instead of for all intents and purposes

i tend to also not like the ir- in the regardless scenario, but merriam webster says it's a real word.
My wife is from the Cayman Islands and it drives her nuts when people pronounce it Grand Caaaayman when the locals pronounce is Grand Cay man. I feel pretty special that she left all that to move up to the snow and cold of NY to be with me :ROFLMAO:

I also hate it when people say Irregardless when all you need to say is regardless - means the same thing.
My wife is from the Cayman Islands and it drives her nuts when people pronounce it Grand Caaaayman when the locals pronounce is Grand Cay man. I feel pretty special that she left all that to move up to the snow and cold of NY to be with me :ROFLMAO:

I also hate it when people say Irregardless when all you need to say is regardless - means the same thing.
That’s a huge change from the islands to NY!