The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

What else do you do on the internet all day?


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
So, when you're on the internet, just passing time, what other sites/hobbies are you exploring when you're not at TSC?

I really, primarily bounce back and forth between TSC and Facebook. There is one group on FB that I spend a lot of time on and that is the Weird Secondhand Finds That Need to be Shared. People post all the weird and awesome things they find at thrift stores and antique stores. Right now, since we can't go out and find new "finds" everyone is posting their collections. It's awesome seeing what everyone is posting about, and see how overboard other people get about things (other than shaving stuff, LOL).

My other hobby is Tarantula keeping, and I do hit a few tarantula groups from time to time, but not nearly as often as I used to. I was very big on several tarantula forums before I discovered Wet Shaving. Then my forum time gradually shifted over to the shaving forums 100%.

Other than that it's just scrolling through my FB feed seeing what nonsense my friends are posting about now. Sometimes that keeps me updated on current events (since I don't watch the news), and sometimes it tells me what meme-worthy shows I should be watching (like Tiger King on Netflix!).
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I'm all over the place. Fountain Pens, Bible study topics, I'm into the minimalist movement, psychology, personal finance, writing, and whatever else I've got going on that needs a bit of research. I'm trying to spend a little less time doing those things, and a little more writing content for my site, though.
Normally this forum, Flipboard, Reddit, Instagram, eBay, and sports sites like and to keep up with the teams I follow.
Today I spent most of the day on Google Meet and Google Classroom doing my updated method of teaching.
I like to check out BBQ forums, Seattle Seahawks forums, gun forums, shop for books or shaving stuff. Find new recipes that I hope to make sometime. Read blogs or sites about people that travel or live in other countries. As well as culture in different regions of USA.
I do a lot of research, both for my field, sport science, and for anything I'm planning to buy.

I'd love to spend LESS time on Reddit, and Facebook, but I've got a FB group that I'm not willing to let die and friends I only keep up with that way. Reddit seems to be the easiest access to news, but I'd love to find something better, it's more of an addiction.

Shave groups, I used to belong to all the big ones, but pretty much only post here now, except when I want to communicate with Ryan at Tallow and Steel.

@Spider I'd love to check out collectors group you mentioned, I enjoy that sort of stuff. American Pickers was one of my favorite shows for a while.
I switch between TSC, Facebook, Twitter, email both personal and work.

And recently I've been doing research on car stuff, primarily stuff to upgrade on my truck. I've also been looking up LS swaps just because that might be something I want to take on at some point in the future, but probably with a different truck.

Then there's the work related research, mostly to figure out what else I could do for my patients, or treat them more effectively.

Then there's the cat pictures and videos that I tag my coworkers in...including my chief.