The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Well we hit 200 Members

Chad, it was awesome that you lived up to the challenge and survived, but the reason behind the challenge is even better. Such a great place you Chris and Dave have created here and even better that you are as much a part of everything as we are. I know I missed a little of the beginning, but I'm glad to have been here from early on and being able to watch you guys' vision grow. Congrats and thanks!!
You're a good sport Chad. Well done..........even if a lot was off screen. Hard to film. What I love about the Cadre? Chad says he is up for any challenges. Bring it on Guys !! 🤪 :ROFLMAO:
Yes, well done, Chad, for taking on such a silly challenge/dare. As for what I love about TSC and the cadre, it's the "here, hold me beer" approach to life.
All hail Chad!!! Love you too brother!

We couldn’t wait and you were the half time entertainment. That comparison of one hairy and one shaved leg was hilarious. And I hope Conner wasn’t emotionally scarred, but I think the whole family should have gotten to watch.

I hope Mickey and your wife enjoy the new sexy legs. Until the itching sets in. 😬

p.s. someone needs to change the toilet paper.
Props to you Chad my friend! I hope Jill’s vid helped a little. We’ll definitely get some views, and hopefully subscribers too! We are most definitely a unique crew on the cadre.
I'll watch in the morning - just ate some Cheezits. 200 and counting! Hello, @MrsNurseDave. There's a soap Pif going on that you may want to participate in. Welcome, and thank you for being #200! (y)
Oh, what I love about TSC is the people here, and all of the diverse talents they bring to the mix.
First of all...yes I listened and watched that far. Second of all...thanks for being a good sport. Finally...It was fun to watch you follow through on this shave...but I have to ask...did we really hit 200? I believe we actually have to get a few more members to really get to 200. Right? So this means that we will be getting another leg shaving video? I think you should wear Speedos for the next one! 🤪