The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Well...Chad went ahead and did it...


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus
What did he do? Yesterday morning, my wife asked what I had coming in the mail (damned be informed delivery) and asked if it was another one of my "shave things." I had to crawl into the recesses of what is left of my brain and think hard. I have been really limiting my "shave things" as of late because of the Danger Baby being immanent and all. I couldn't think of anything, so I told her I had no idea what it was.

Package arrived, I opened it up...and if I was drinking coffee, this is what my reaction would be...

Spit Coffee.gif

But I wasn't spitting coffee. It turns out that in addition to being a handsome dude...Chad @CVargo happens to have a little humor as well.

It turns out that Danger Baby has her own TSC onesie!


I showed the onesie to the wife and she had a laugh I hadn't heard in a while. The baby garment is stupid cute Chad. Thank you so much. I will make sure that Danger Baby gets a photo op in it as soon as I can! Thank you again! This is another example of the great bunch of people and the generosity of the shaving community...especially her at The Shaving Cadre!
If you ask my's "Operation Get this Thing Out of Me!"
Operation GeeTOM got it. Well, phase 1-3 of operation GeeTOM are complete. Personal quarantine has commenced, the SIL unit has arrived for spousal contingent pre-delivery support. The Delta winds have been deployed to keep crowds from forming, disburse airborne ‘stuff’ and decorate the landscape in a manly way. Side note, this is the last time we put @The Monkey in charge of decorations. The intelligence unit has picked up strong chatter from WITH IN the ranks that there may be a black ops mission called “Get on with it” about to launch ...but that may be a back up mission in case GeeTOM gets delayed for any reason.

On to phase 4...sitting in your easy chair, staring at your dog and saying “it’s just you and me bro...we gotta stick together man”
Operation GeeTOM got it. Well, phase 1-3 of operation GeeTOM are complete. Personal quarantine has commenced, the SIL unit has arrived for spousal contingent pre-delivery support. The Delta winds have been deployed to keep crowds from forming, disburse airborne ‘stuff’ and decorate the landscape in a manly way. Side note, this is the last time we put @The Monkey in charge of decorations. The intelligence unit has picked up strong chatter from WITH IN the ranks that there may be a black ops mission called “Get on with it” about to launch ...but that may be a back up mission in case GeeTOM gets delayed for any reason.

On to phase 4...sitting in your easy chair, staring at your dog and saying “it’s just you and me bro...we gotta stick together man”
This might be the funniest (and most accurate) thing I have read in a long time!