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USPS Temporary stop.


Just Heard the USPS is Temporarily putting a Stop on all mail & Parcels coming from China. I think it Started Monday.

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I think it’s mail flowing INTO China that has been disrupted most, I have not heard of any official stop on mail coming out of China by any carrier. I have heard that UPS pilot’s unions were able to get the company to declare routes to (and presumably from) China voluntary starting late last week or this week. I think many air carriers have curtailed operations this week so maybe that includes USPS flights TO ,then from, China.
Found this.

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Apparently my wife and son both got an email from UPS saying stuff they have coming from China will be delayed. My guess is the email is worded similarly to the USPS notice, something about widespread flight cancellations to the area.

I think it's pretty much a given that the physical mail is not going to come in contaminated with live virus (right?) so the flight cancellations are an effort to reduce face to face interactions with flight crew and support crew at the airports. ...So it HAS to be coincidence that I got sick a week after receiving my shipment from China on Christmas Eve, Right? Note to self, "don't pop the bubble wrap..."
I received a packet from China Yesterday. I swabbed ever inch of the outside and inside. Also the product it self with a couple of Lysol wipes.
Better Safe Than SORRY.

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