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Trick or Treat

They started designating hours a long time ago here. I think so people would know when to have candy ready.
We have a park in our neighborhood. They start a "trunk or treat" at 6pm. That seems to always kick off the trick or treaters who then enter the rest of the neighborhood after getting their candy. I do think people should follow the rule of, if the patio light is off that house is out of candy. We ran out pretty quickly yesterday. And we bought a lot. Not planning on getting more for tonight either
We have a park in our neighborhood. They start a "trunk or treat" at 6pm. That seems to always kick off the trick or treaters who then enter the rest of the neighborhood after getting their candy. I do think people should follow the rule of, if the patio light is off that house is out of candy. We ran out pretty quickly yesterday. And we bought a lot. Not planning on getting more for tonight either
The light signal is creed in these parts.
All Saints' Day not a Holy Day of Obligation in 2021; but go to Mass
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When we were growing up, a house with no lights, or worse someone who would say " We don't Give out candy", or gave our toothpaste and tooth brushes, was guaranteed to get a volley of eggs and toilet paper sometime before All Saints Day LOL
As a kid, we trick or treated as long as possible. My mom would let me start as soon as the skies started showing a hint of getting darker (maybe 5:30 or 6 PM). And we'd stay out until the last house turned off their porch light (usually around 10PM). There were never published times.
As a kid, we trick or treated as long as possible. My mom would let me start as soon as the skies started showing a hint of getting darker (maybe 5:30 or 6 PM). And we'd stay out until the last house turned off their porch light (usually around 10PM). There were never published times.
Same here. And it was always held on the 31st of October. Same was true for my offspring.
As a kid, we trick or treated as long as possible. My mom would let me start as soon as the skies started showing a hint of getting darker (maybe 5:30 or 6 PM). And we'd stay out until the last house turned off their porch light (usually around 10PM). There were never published times.
Same here.
I noticed that @dangerousdon and @Majorrich mentioned designated dates and times for trick or treating in their municipalities. This concept is completely foreign to me. Anyone care to enlighten me.
I recall this even 20+ years ago. There were enough community complaints about kids starting before people could have dinner and continuing until very late at night.
I recall this even 20+ years ago. There were enough community complaints about kids starting before people could have dinner and continuing until very late at night.
Yep, I can go back even further, back in the late 70's there were published Trick 0r Treat hours listed in the local paper for each town/city in the area.

As I recall, there was a Halloween parade down Main Street around 4 or 5, then Trick or Treating from 6-9pm.
I must live in a time warp. I figured being in New York, aka the Empire Litigious State, we would have been the first to regulate Halloween.