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Took the twins to the doctor.


TSC's Cheerleader
Well the twins went to the doctor to get caught up on their shots since even though they are going virtual school they have to be up to date on shots here.. Their doctors had lost the records or just didn't enter their previous shots since they were 4 months old so they are having to take all their shots over again... They gave them 3 shots and they have to come back in a month for more and then the first of the year for more....the 3 they got were multiple medicines in each so they got the equivalent of like 10 different shots at once with all the meds. Elijah cried afterwards and said he didnt want to do that again.. Lilly cried during the shots but they know that was the worst one and going forward wont be as bad.
Well the twins went to the doctor to get caught up on their shots since even though they are going virtual school they have to be up to date on shots here.. Their doctors had lost the records or just didn't enter their previous shots since they were 4 months old so they are having to take all their shots over again... They gave them 3 shots and they have to come back in a month for more and then the first of the year for more....the 3 they got were multiple medicines in each so they got the equivalent of like 10 different shots at once with all the meds. Elijah cried afterwards and said he didnt want to do that again.. Lilly cried during the shots but they know that was the worst one and going forward wont be as bad.
Yeah...I would really consider changing Doctors then. Maybe it's the Doctor's fault, maybe the Nurse's, or even the staff (my bet is on the staff). Either way...if they lost your kids' records of the shots...what else have they lost.

I'm all for vaccines and all. But there is no need to subject the little one's to more than they need to have.
WOW! Yea don't usually hear of that anymore. With my son we got a card for the Utah Health Dept, with my daughter it was all digitized. The nurse while we are in the room updates the website in front of us. Poor kiddos the shots are never fun... but definitely necessary.
I can look up the last time a patient pooped down in San Diego.

June 12, 2010 that was a good day for San Diego sanitation divsion. Also stay away from the street taco vendor who is open at 2AM.
Twins are fun, I have me a set too :LOL: We had to take one out of the room when it was shot time or we had a perfectly tuned chorus of crying, even when they were babies.
WOW! Yea don't usually hear of that anymore. With my son we got a card for the Utah Health Dept, with my daughter it was all digitized. The nurse while we are in the room updates the website in front of us. Poor kiddos the shots are never fun... but definitely necessary.
Yeah the last time we took them for shots they were "Updating" the hospitals computer systems so they probably just didnt get transferred over to the new system. We knew they were a little behind on shots ( there were 2 they were supposed to get when this virus broke out ) and we were told by the hospital that we would have to take them to the local health department since they were to get multiple shots and they pulled up the records and nothing showed. They were on the phone from the health dept with their former pediatric doctors and the center for family medicine for almost an hour trying to find the records but were not able to so that's why they are having to basically start all their shots over.fortunately there is only like 3 or 4 more that they have left to take... At least its almost done though.. The kids didnt like the shots but did like the candy and toys we got them afterwards....
Twins are fun, I have me a set too :LOL: We had to take one out of the room when it was shot time or we had a perfectly tuned chorus of crying, even when they were babies.
Ours are fairly much the opposite. They cry if you seperate them but they made us seperate them for the doctor visit. They usually comfort each other and when they are together they know they are gonna be alright..
Ours are fairly much the opposite.

Parents of twins deserve some sort of award! It's harder than most people think. Ours are identical and we got so tired of people saying "Hmmmm, I think I see a difference, she's got longer eye lashes than the other......" That and "Awwww, I always wanted twins, it must be so much fun." And of course the famous "Hey, are those babies twins?" I used started saying "No actually this one here is a year older than the other." Boy did that baffle them. Sir, I tip my hat to you being a parent of twins!
Parents of twins deserve some sort of award! It's harder than most people think. Ours are identical and we got so tired of people saying "Hmmmm, I think I see a difference, she's got longer eye lashes than the other......" That and "Awwww, I always wanted twins, it must be so much fun." And of course the famous "Hey, are those babies twins?" I used started saying "No actually this one here is a year older than the other." Boy did that baffle them. Sir, I tip my hat to you being a parent of twins!
And you also. Once we had all 3 kids out and someone asked if they were twins and I told them no they are triplets and the biggest on she had first and was in labor that long for the other two. Our oldest is 12 and they are five. You should have seen the crazy look at the prospect of a 7 year labor. And another time we said oh those two , we have no idea we found them on the side of the road earlier they freaked out over that too.