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Tiger King


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
We started the Netflix Tiger show. Oh my!
Who else is watching this?

It deserves it's own thread.
Me and my wife watched it the other day. We live just north of Tampa and have been to Big Cat Rescue. Fun fact - we have two kittens we adopted from BCR (housecats, not tigers, lol). Another fun fact- I know the deputy who is Carol's brother, not well, just know him from working in the same sheriff's office.
Back to The Tiger King- the show is a seven chapter train wreck, crashing into a dumpster fire, careening off into a circus sideshow freak show, which is in the middle of a junkyard right outside a trailer park meth factory on the wrong side of the tracks, next to a Waffle House and a seedy motel. It was a blast to watch. It just kept getting worse and worse. My wife and I could NOT stop watching it till it was over.
Wow. I won't post spoilers but it quite a show, lol.
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We watched it. It's amazing. It's a trainwreck. It's an amazing trainwreck. And the memes made as a result of it are priceless. It was over way too soon.
Well then I think we need to start putting Tiger King memes in here!
the show is a seven chapter train wreck, crashing into a dumpster fire, careening off into a circus sideshow freak show, which is in the middle of a junkyard right outside a trailer park meth factory on the wrong side of the tracks, next to a Waffle House and a seedy motel.
And I couldn't look away.

On recommendation from the TV Show thread the wife and I started watching it last week (I think). At the time I had no idea what it was really about and the wife and I were like if it awful we can always watch something else. We started watching it at around 8 PM that night. The first episode was the hook. And the next episode was a train-wreck. By the third episode both the wife and I said that it can't get any crazier. We said the same thing after the fourth, fifth, and sixth episode. And the seventh episode I was like what more is there to tell. We finished watching the hole season sometime around 2 AM.'s that crazy. In was SOOOOO has to be true!