The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

This Is Where the Cool Kids Hang...

Welcome Joe! Glad you could join us!

What kind of shave gear/software are you into currently?
Welcome Joe! Glad you could join us!

What kind of shave gear/software are you into currently?
Thank you sir!

Since getting my Blackland Vector in Feb, followed by my type I-2 HydroMagic in early March, I have been utterly fixated on SE. DE razors have zero sway over me these days. If my name on the Wolfman list came up now, I'd decline to complete the order (<---been saying this for weeks on other fora). I also thought I was locked into getting the Blackland Tradere, but even that has me unexcited. I don't own many razors right now; I've sold/gifted 17 over the last 20 or so months, and the most I've ever owned at a single point is 19, I think.

I transitioned to basically all-synth for brushes over a year ago. The only badger I own is a inexpensive WCS silvertip a friend had sent to me in January, mostly, I presume, to "badger" (<---see what I did there?) me back into the natural fiber blackhole.

I have likewise severely downsized my soap "collection", which is really a misnomer as my current inventory is minuscule compared to my recent past, and I prefer to keep it that way.

That said, I love reading about others' journeys, and I have my eye on a couple SE razors (an AC I know is in development from Asylum/Rocnel, and another I assume is being developed by Shane @ Blackland, a modern true injector) that might hit the market in the next 12 months, if not sooner.
Very good! I’m quite on the SE/Synth kick myself! The Vector is just a superb shaving tool!
Shane @ Blackland, a modern true injector
Cool! I hadn’t seen that news yet! Supply’s was just so-so, but I’d love a modern machined injector!
Very good! I’m quite on the SE/Synth kick myself! The Vector is just a superb shaving tool!

Cool! I hadn’t seen that news yet! Supply’s was just so-so, but I’d love a modern machined injector!
Oh yes, pry the Vector from my cold, dead hands, hahaha. It has been a revelation to me. I tried AC half-heartedly several years ago and was unimpressed. I could go forward only w/ the Vector and my HydroMagic and not feel like I was missing out. The type I-2 will likely be the only vintage razor I get; I've just never been into it, but it is a joy to use as well, came to me super clean, and I made it even more clean. Beyond the very fine scratches on the head, condition of it makes it look like it's only a few years old.

SOTD Pic from a few weeks ago (I don't take pics often); Vector + ti handle by Stork, because as a former high end audio guy, I always have to fiddle with stuff. Stock is never enough, hahaha.