The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

The Why Factor

Soap Thing

Shave Member
Active Duty
Tell me your story. Why do you wet shave? If it were purely utilitarian, then none of us would be here. What’s the attraction? And how did you get there?

My job requires me to shave every day so at first, I was interested in cheaper blades. Saving money... Yeah so much for that, it was down the rabbit hole shortly thereafter. For me currently, it’s decompression time. Some people swim, some people play tennis, I shave...

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I stumbled into traditional shaving when my last electric died. My search was mostly just a curiosity to start. Started with a DE, Chinese badger brush, VDH soap and blades. Fell into the various rabbit holes along the way too. Had amassed a decent collection of razors, brushes and soaps, but have struggled with minimalism. I now have my acquisition disorders under control and have begun thinning the lot again. I use mostly straights and boar brushes. I am currently using MWF, PAA, SV and Stirling soaps too.
Like you, I started traditional wet shaving while on active duty. I was getting horrible shaves, and lots of irritation using the multi-blades carts from Gillette.

A little bit of research on how to help the irritation led me to an article on using DEs and then I found the forums.

Overnight, I found I was getting better shaves, and I discovered I enjoyed the process more. Then the nostalgia kicked in and I was in for all things vintage.

Now, in addition to being a traditional wet shaver, I’m an avid collector of all things vintage. My collection now, is like a mini museum.
My journey into traditional wet shaving started from curiosity, and a little help from an inherited razor and a enabling brother-in-law! I acquired my grandfather's Gillette Fatboy when he passed about 20 years ago. No one wanted it, and it was headed for the trash, so I grabbed it. I held on to it for years just because I thought it was cool thing to have and looked good on the bookshelf! Fast forward to about 3 years ago when my brother-in-law learned of the razor. He had been using DE's for a few years himself at that point and sent me some blades, a badger brush, and some soap samples. It was all downhill from there....I had always wondered if I could ever actually use the razor, and he gave me the push to get started.
I started wet shaving during the pandemic so my mask would fit better. I've had a full beard ever since I could and it took me a while to catch on but now I own many vintage razors and quite a few straight razors. One pass shave with the straight and clean up with a DE or SE. I enjoy the relaxation and concentration of the shave, a bit of mindfulness meditation.
About 10 years ago, i was talking to my brother about random stuff and we got talking about shaving somehow. I was getting imho “poor” shaves from 3+ blade carts and moved to braun electrics that took too much effort to get a great shave from also. I think it was maybe over expectations and over shaving. But my experience didnt resemble the commercial sell, you know the one where the guy feels his cheek to chin to neck in one graceful motion.

somehow found wetshaving online via google. And found i loved the experience. Hot towels, warm lather, fresh edges, no bumps... for me it excites all the senses. Tactile, visual, olfactory, auditory, vestibular, proprioceptive, and sometimes gustatory (if i am unlucky and get a taste of lather or lucky if i follow the shave with a coffee/tea or cold beer/cocktail depending on the mood). Reminds me i haven’t had a shower beer in a while 😂

In time i found out larger badger brushes, delicious lathers and my own personalized experience as a 2.5 passer and then some great ASL/Bs for the finishing touches. Add in the variety of kit and it doesnt end. My first oiece of kit was odd assortment. Feather asd1, but inexpensive brush and soaps/creams. Found I really didnt like american barbershop scents. Likely the powder scent. That was unlucky. But plenty of other stuff to try.
When 2021 started, I was determined to change some stuff in my daily routine. I didn't know what exactly but things had to be different from 2020, for sanity's sake. Working from home for almost a whole year, I got waaaay too lazy with my shaving, so I figured, what a great place to start.

I used to just let things go out of control for a few weeks/months, and then use electric clippers to get rid of whatever hair I still have on top and my ugly hobo beard. Sometimes I'd go the extra mile and break out the old Gillette Fusion 5 and finish my beard after a shower, no cream, no soap, it was bad guys... so bad.

So anyway, January first 2021, things needed to change. I'm a big fan of taking daily chores and turning them into fun rituals, I do that a lot with cooking and cooking gear. So I thought hey, let's start shaving daily! A classic safety razor sounded like a fun, financially sound way to go about it (my Gillette Fusion handle had started oozing gross silicone oil anyway, it had to go). So I went to amazon and ordered a Wilkinson Sword razor, an extra pack of 5 blades, a boar brush and a soap puck, all Wilkinson, because I used those blades for scoring my sourdough loaves, so it was the only brand I was familiar with in the DE world.

This is where it gets funny, most of you guys know exactly how this goes.

My stuff arrived a couple days later, but then I realized I had no idea how to use any of it, so I went to youtube and searched for "safety razor tutorial". First video I clicked went a little something like this: "Greetings, I'm Geofatboy, I make shaving videos and sell shaving supplies...". I was blown away. You mean if I have a great shave, it makes me eligible to having a great day?! Count me in!

But yeah, my first shave was a trainwreck, and to this day, I can't seem to get along with the Wilkinson Sword blades. That soap was also awful, and I'm still not sure about the brush. But I dig the razor. And yeah, that first video pulled me hard into the rabbit hole. Fast forward a month and a half later, I've got my little collection of good soaps, my Rockwell 6S, a few great brushes, a bunch of outstanding blades (scoring sourdough loaves with a Feather is where it's at), the online community is surprisingly nice (linux forums are not like that, let me tell you) and I'm looking forward to getting out of bed every single day.

I say, mission accomplished, glad I found this hobby. Just exploring new fragrances is an adventure in itself, I can see myself having fun with that for years to come. And that 30 minutes all to myself every morning, where I listen to a podcast or relaxing music and just enjoy the moment, is priceless.

A perfect remedy to an awful 2020 full of bleak hangover mornings.

My favorite new ritual.
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My favorite new ritual.
Welcome to the Cadre! Head on over to the Newbie & Welcome forum and introduce yourself. Also, if you like watching videos, many of our members, myself included, make videos and tutorials and we have a whole subforum for them.
Because of my wife (girlfriend at the time). She had said she wanted me to be clean shaven more often, and like many have said here, cartridges were not treating me well. As I looked for better options, I stumbled into wetshaving, found that DE's worked very well for me, and then kept plowing down the rabbit hole.
A classic safety razor sounded like a fun, financially sound way to go about it
Fun - yes. Financially sound - ummm, not so sure that is true for most of us LOL, but I suspect you already figured that out. Anyway, welcome to the Cadre and enjoy.
Fun - yes. Financially sound - ummm, not so sure that is true for most of us LOL, but I suspect you already figured that out. Anyway, welcome to the Cadre and enjoy.
Oh yeah I’m utterly broke :)

(got a Karve CB on the way hahahaha it’s a sickness)

And thanks!
I came at straight shaving from an interest in knife sharpening. You always hear the term 'razor sharp' in the knife world, though we all know that the knives very rarely are. I wanted to know if I could really make edges that were sharp enough to comfortably shave with on a daily basis.
I originally started because the cost of those multi blade cartridges were astronomical. So, I had been using a disposable from Wilkinson Sword. Well, they stopped making the ones I liked, so I looked into other inexpensive options. I thought, hey, blades for $.10? I could buy a decent handle a good soap/brush and it would work out in the end to be cheaper.

That was a good idea until I started looking online for tips to get a better shave. Then the enablers got their claws into me and I bought a bunch of stuff and tried many different types of razors. Now, I have enough stuff that I shouldn't have to make any purchases for many years. I will, but it isn't necessary.
In 2012 my son convinced me to try it. He was hoping I'd get hooked and tolerate the various shaving rabbit holes he was going down. It worked. Shaving has become something of a Zen experience for me, as I strive for BBS results. I love the soaps and AS, but have no interest in accumulating large supplies of either, though I do stock up on sales, giving me extras for part of the year. I have a favorite razor and blade, but to me, a brush is just a brush. I get great lather from my $13 Maggard brush, and have no interest in purchasing another one. It's all about the shaves, not the stuff.

Enjoy your shaves!