The Shaving Cadre

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The value of good relationships and trust...


I Blame Dave
I just wanted to share a quick example of why I believe relationships and trust are so important. I have always told my kids they need to be aware of how they behave in public and how they treat people and the work they do for people (even when they think they can get away with doing less). I tried to impress upon them the importance of being the kind of person that when you die, the people you've encountered will notice you've gone and remember you for what you've done and the quality of character you possessed. I kinda think you may not always have a lot in life but if you live a good life, do good and be the kid of person people can trust you will ALWAYS be remembered...which is kinda like having more than anything you can buy. My parents and many of their friends had a similar kind of attitude so when my mom died and 7 years later her name still opens doors, my kids understand what i mean.

Well, here we are in the middle of 2020 and my oldest son has finished his first year if teaching (at a school district my mom was the district nurse for), is about to get married and is buying his first house. Of course, after living and working in the community my entire life I know a few people and have some relationships with people I trust more than others. My son is independent and capable of doing what he needs on his own so until I was asked I didn't offer any advice (he needs to develop his own relationships and trust) but when he asked about a loan officer I had someone to refer to that I trusted. This particular person wasn't a super powerful or creative loan officer, my son didn't need that kind of person, he needed a mom like person who would do what was right without question. I had so much trust in this person I bought a car from her 6 years ago sight unseen, just signed the check, took the keys and went out to the lot and clicked the button until the horn beeped. Loved that car. She helped him with his first offer but that offer fell through. I told my son the first house would still happen, his loan lady was right and the other guys offer was too her. Nope, his agent took him to look at more and more expensive houses. A few days later the first house came back to him, the other guys offer fell through (too rich) and the selling agent urged my son to talk to another banker who would help him with other loans that would allow him to make a higher offer. I objected to the incetuous relationship(and that the selling agent and other banker were willing to knowingly go around an existing relationship) and explained to him how everyone gets paid BUT reminded him the goal was to buy the house at the price and terms he could afford so I would oversee the numbers regardless of WHO is presenting them. Finally today, my son goes back to the first lady (my trusted lady) and presents her with the loan the other guy has hooked my son up with and tells her he NEEDS to go with the other guy because these numbers work out. He pointed out the features and terms that made the numbers work that allowed his counter offer possible and thanked her for helping him, allowing her the opportunity to "bid for the job". She felt she could find a similar loan and possibly beat the terms but wasn't sure. So my son called the other lender and told him he was still considering ALL options. The guy flipped out and ultimately hing up after giving my son the riot act. All the while the original lady calmly proceeded to confirm whether she could or could not improve upon the loan the guy had presented. Before the hour was over the guy had emailed some additional hate filled words and my lady had LOCKED in a LOWER rate, better loan AND as a kicker her lender offered to kick in an additional $1300 from their own profits to sweeten the deal just because the other guy was being a big bottom.

My words when my son started this whole process were short and sweet. "this lady isn't the best or most creative, you don't need that. She IS the most trusted and caring, she is also SO known in the community she would never do wrong by you because she knows they community would notice even if you didn't" The guy the other lady urged him to go to is part of one of the most well known banks in the area, a real wiz bang guy (buy he still needed a manager to "close the deal" ) and once I ring the bell on his tantrum it will cost that bank $millions in deposits. He could have been knowns as the guy who helped my son rather than the guy who threw a tantrum. Let this be a reminder, we are always being watched and the person we are helping (or hanging up on) has a family and friends that have deeper connections. Make one happy and you make them all happy, make one unhappy and you make a WHOLE LOT of them unhappy.
I just wanted to share a quick example of why I believe relationships and trust are so important. I have always told my kids they need to be aware of how they behave in public and how they treat people and the work they do for people (even when they think they can get away with doing less). I tried to impress upon them the importance of being the kind of person that when you die, the people you've encountered will notice you've gone and remember you for what you've done and the quality of character you possessed. I kinda think you may not always have a lot in life but if you live a good life, do good and be the kid of person people can trust you will ALWAYS be remembered...which is kinda like having more than anything you can buy. My parents and many of their friends had a similar kind of attitude so when my mom died and 7 years later her name still opens doors, my kids understand what i mean.

Well, here we are in the middle of 2020 and my oldest son has finished his first year if teaching (at a school district my mom was the district nurse for), is about to get married and is buying his first house. Of course, after living and working in the community my entire life I know a few people and have some relationships with people I trust more than others. My son is independent and capable of doing what he needs on his own so until I was asked I didn't offer any advice (he needs to develop his own relationships and trust) but when he asked about a loan officer I had someone to refer to that I trusted. This particular person wasn't a super powerful or creative loan officer, my son didn't need that kind of person, he needed a mom like person who would do what was right without question. I had so much trust in this person I bought a car from her 6 years ago sight unseen, just signed the check, took the keys and went out to the lot and clicked the button until the horn beeped. Loved that car. She helped him with his first offer but that offer fell through. I told my son the first house would still happen, his loan lady was right and the other guys offer was too her. Nope, his agent took him to look at more and more expensive houses. A few days later the first house came back to him, the other guys offer fell through (too rich) and the selling agent urged my son to talk to another banker who would help him with other loans that would allow him to make a higher offer. I objected to the incetuous relationship(and that the selling agent and other banker were willing to knowingly go around an existing relationship) and explained to him how everyone gets paid BUT reminded him the goal was to buy the house at the price and terms he could afford so I would oversee the numbers regardless of WHO is presenting them. Finally today, my son goes back to the first lady (my trusted lady) and presents her with the loan the other guy has hooked my son up with and tells her he NEEDS to go with the other guy because these numbers work out. He pointed out the features and terms that made the numbers work that allowed his counter offer possible and thanked her for helping him, allowing her the opportunity to "bid for the job". She felt she could find a similar loan and possibly beat the terms but wasn't sure. So my son called the other lender and told him he was still considering ALL options. The guy flipped out and ultimately hing up after giving my son the riot act. All the while the original lady calmly proceeded to confirm whether she could or could not improve upon the loan the guy had presented. Before the hour was over the guy had emailed some additional hate filled words and my lady had LOCKED in a LOWER rate, better loan AND as a kicker her lender offered to kick in an additional $1300 from their own profits to sweeten the deal just because the other guy was being a big bottom.

My words when my son started this whole process were short and sweet. "this lady isn't the best or most creative, you don't need that. She IS the most trusted and caring, she is also SO known in the community she would never do wrong by you because she knows they community would notice even if you didn't" The guy the other lady urged him to go to is part of one of the most well known banks in the area, a real wiz bang guy (buy he still needed a manager to "close the deal" ) and once I ring the bell on his tantrum it will cost that bank $millions in deposits. He could have been knowns as the guy who helped my son rather than the guy who threw a tantrum. Let this be a reminder, we are always being watched and the person we are helping (or hanging up on) has a family and friends that have deeper connections. Make one happy and you make them all happy, make one unhappy and you make a WHOLE LOT of them unhappy.
I'm about to give you the highest praise I can: you sound like my Dad.

I may sound like a buffoon on here 99% of the time, but my dad raised me the way I'm trying to raise my son: leave a hole in a lot of hearts when your earthly life is done.

The picture you painted in your story is why I don't think God is done with this nation.

Thank you for sharing that.
I'm about to give you the highest praise I can: you sound like my Dad.

I may sound like a buffoon on here 99% of the time, but my dad raised me the way I'm trying to raise my son: leave a hole in a lot of hearts when your earthly life is done.

The picture you painted in your story is why I don't think God is done with this nation.

Thank you for sharing that.
Thank you for the kind words. I think there are a lot of guys (and a few ladies) here on the forum who share your/our basic views on the value of positive relationships ...that’s one of the great qualities of the Cadre, we can differ on a number of things, have all sorts of different preferences and ideas but where it matters we share some common ground. (Not saying I differ with you...that I know of)

UPDATE: my son’s escrow is due to close soon. Things have gone really smooth as far as the house goes but the loan has taken a long time to get to the review stage, just a volume of loan thing. Once again the relationship thing came into play because the escrow was pushed out to the 17th to allow more time for underwriting to receive the loan packet...but my son’s loan agent is a friendly sort and she invited the owner of the company to fly out last weekend for a quick trip to the beach and some golf. Of course while he was out she had him take a look at the loan packet and agree to hand deliver it to the underwriting department for her, by Sunday night the underwriter was asking for more information (that the loan agent already had and included in the file, they just had to open the file to see it) and 4 days later the underwriter had made a decision and confirmed the terms. No reason the loan can’t fund next week. Now the only thing my son needs to worry about is what kind of gift to give his loan lady and packing his stuff for the move.
Thank you for the kind words. I think there are a lot of guys (and a few ladies) here on the forum who share your/our basic views on the value of positive relationships ...that’s one of the great qualities of the Cadre, we can differ on a number of things, have all sorts of different preferences and ideas but where it matters we share some common ground. (Not saying I differ with you...that I know of)

UPDATE: my son’s escrow is due to close soon. Things have gone really smooth as far as the house goes but the loan has taken a long time to get to the review stage, just a volume of loan thing. Once again the relationship thing came into play because the escrow was pushed out to the 17th to allow more time for underwriting to receive the loan packet...but my son’s loan agent is a friendly sort and she invited the owner of the company to fly out last weekend for a quick trip to the beach and some golf. Of course while he was out she had him take a look at the loan packet and agree to hand deliver it to the underwriting department for her, by Sunday night the underwriter was asking for more information (that the loan agent already had and included in the file, they just had to open the file to see it) and 4 days later the underwriter had made a decision and confirmed the terms. No reason the loan can’t fund next week. Now the only thing my son needs to worry about is what kind of gift to give his loan lady and packing his stuff for the move.
My son is in a similar place right now. He is moving kind of fast for this old man, but he is about to be really blessed in a few short months.

Lol, at his age all I cared about was beer and softball.
This is perfect!
Great job just sitting back and waiting to help when asked. It's amazing how our kids "know everything" and can get pulled in so quickly without even knowing it.
This is perfect!
Great job just sitting back and waiting to help when asked. It's amazing how our kids "know everything" and can get pulled in so quickly without even knowing it.
Lol, yep. I hope I live long enough for my son to think I'm smart again!

He's just 20, and I'm so blessed that he is such a good man. But like all 20 year olds, his dad won't be all that smart until another 15 years so!
Just beautiful Chris and you are absolutely correct be kind, invest in sound relationships and enjoy the relationships you’ve built. It is ALL that matters in this world! Family and true friends.....
My 11 yrs old goes on alot of errands with me. (Now we live in a small town so this may sound silly to you big city folks).
I often will pick up a dozen donuts and drop them off at the town office, to the local town DOT or a local shop or store. My daughter asked me why I keep doing it. I tell her to never underestimate the power of donuts to make someone's day. Simple things built lasting bridges.
I just wanted to share a quick example of why I believe relationships and trust are so important. I have always told my kids they need to be aware of how they behave in public and how they treat people and the work they do for people (even when they think they can get away with doing less). I tried to impress upon them the importance of being the kind of person that when you die, the people you've encountered will notice you've gone and remember you for what you've done and the quality of character you possessed. I kinda think you may not always have a lot in life but if you live a good life, do good and be the kid of person people can trust you will ALWAYS be remembered...which is kinda like having more than anything you can buy. My parents and many of their friends had a similar kind of attitude so when my mom died and 7 years later her name still opens doors, my kids understand what i mean.

Well, here we are in the middle of 2020 and my oldest son has finished his first year if teaching (at a school district my mom was the district nurse for), is about to get married and is buying his first house. Of course, after living and working in the community my entire life I know a few people and have some relationships with people I trust more than others. My son is independent and capable of doing what he needs on his own so until I was asked I didn't offer any advice (he needs to develop his own relationships and trust) but when he asked about a loan officer I had someone to refer to that I trusted. This particular person wasn't a super powerful or creative loan officer, my son didn't need that kind of person, he needed a mom like person who would do what was right without question. I had so much trust in this person I bought a car from her 6 years ago sight unseen, just signed the check, took the keys and went out to the lot and clicked the button until the horn beeped. Loved that car. She helped him with his first offer but that offer fell through. I told my son the first house would still happen, his loan lady was right and the other guys offer was too her. Nope, his agent took him to look at more and more expensive houses. A few days later the first house came back to him, the other guys offer fell through (too rich) and the selling agent urged my son to talk to another banker who would help him with other loans that would allow him to make a higher offer. I objected to the incetuous relationship(and that the selling agent and other banker were willing to knowingly go around an existing relationship) and explained to him how everyone gets paid BUT reminded him the goal was to buy the house at the price and terms he could afford so I would oversee the numbers regardless of WHO is presenting them. Finally today, my son goes back to the first lady (my trusted lady) and presents her with the loan the other guy has hooked my son up with and tells her he NEEDS to go with the other guy because these numbers work out. He pointed out the features and terms that made the numbers work that allowed his counter offer possible and thanked her for helping him, allowing her the opportunity to "bid for the job". She felt she could find a similar loan and possibly beat the terms but wasn't sure. So my son called the other lender and told him he was still considering ALL options. The guy flipped out and ultimately hing up after giving my son the riot act. All the while the original lady calmly proceeded to confirm whether she could or could not improve upon the loan the guy had presented. Before the hour was over the guy had emailed some additional hate filled words and my lady had LOCKED in a LOWER rate, better loan AND as a kicker her lender offered to kick in an additional $1300 from their own profits to sweeten the deal just because the other guy was being a big bottom.

My words when my son started this whole process were short and sweet. "this lady isn't the best or most creative, you don't need that. She IS the most trusted and caring, she is also SO known in the community she would never do wrong by you because she knows they community would notice even if you didn't" The guy the other lady urged him to go to is part of one of the most well known banks in the area, a real wiz bang guy (buy he still needed a manager to "close the deal" ) and once I ring the bell on his tantrum it will cost that bank $millions in deposits. He could have been knowns as the guy who helped my son rather than the guy who threw a tantrum. Let this be a reminder, we are always being watched and the person we are helping (or hanging up on) has a family and friends that have deeper connections. Make one happy and you make them all happy, make one unhappy and you make a WHOLE LOT of them unhappy.
I was at an 50th wedding anniversary party and the son got up to say something about his dad. It was the most touching tribute I think a kid could say about his father. He stood up and said that because of the reputation his father had, because of the generational friendships that his father had built and because of the deep respect everyone had for his father that it was easy being his son!

Chris if I had to might be easy to be your son.
I was at an 50th wedding anniversary party and the son got up to say something about his dad. It was the most touching tribute I think a kid could say about his father. He stood up and said that because of the reputation his father had, because of the generational friendships that his father had built and because of the deep respect everyone had for his father that it was easy being his son!

Chris if I had to might be easy to be your son.
Quit. I've got leaking eyeballs.