The Shaving Cadre

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I had my surgical follow up appointment yesterday, and the Dr tells me everything looks good.
He got all the precancerous cells in my colon and the reattachment went well. My hernia is also healing well, and I sure don't miss those gross bumps.

So, even though I'm still sore and still can't eat, all in all, I'm extremely thankful this Thanksgiving.

Looking forward to spending the day with my family and enjoying their company..

How about you all? Any special plans, and anything special you are grateful for?

I don't celebrate Thanksgiving as any special day as I try to be mindful and thankful every day. I am glad that you are doing well Sue as you have been in my thoughts. I hope the healing continues and you get to feeling MUCH better.
I’m so happy to hear that Sue! Thank you for updating us!

I just try to spend Thanksgiving with friends and family as much as possible. I won’t have my kids this year so I will have to find other plans. My cousin may be nearby with her family, so we are trying to find a way for us to meet up. We haven’t seen each other in several years.
Glad to hear from you Sue and that recovery is going well!

Thanksgiving morning the family and I will be spending a few hours greeting and serving coffee drinks to Run To Feed The Hungry guests/passerby at our church (which is right next to the finish line). After that we’ll likely go make the double stop at my parents’ and my in-laws’.

I should look like Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by the end of the evening.
Glad to hear thinks are progressing in a positive way. Keep healing up!

My family is going to my sister-in-laws families house. My nephew died from Leukenia a few months ago so this Thanksgiving will be bitter sweet.
Sue, thank you for checking in. Hope all continues to go well on the recovery. Quite the long haul you’ve been though.

Jon, that’s terrible to hear. Sorry for your family.
This year for Thanksgiving we will be having it over at my parents house. Just a nice relaxing day with family.
Glad to hear from you Sue! And I know you will recover quicker than you are supposed to!

Thanksgiving my wife and I are spending part of the day with her parents and then we are spending the rest of the day with my Brother, his girls, and my Mother. It will be a busy...but very enjoyable day!
Just saw this now, Sue. So glad your surgery went well. I had a right hemicolectomy, which includes reattachment to the small bowel, five years ago. Recovery takes a little time, but it is well worth it. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. My family and I spent it at my sister-in-law's home, with her family. We enjoyed it very much.