The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

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Hey there! New member here! I'm an avid wet shaver (head only right now) for almost 10 years. I started to save money way back when. And, it worked too... Until it turned into a I am an artisan in the wet shave world and participate regularly in FB groups and other social media. I haven't been in a regular forum in a long time. Hopefully I can navigate without issue. I hope to gain some kknowledge aswell as impart some if the opportunity arises. Thanks gents! ~Cheers
Welcome to the Cadre! We are happy you found our little corner of the interwebs! Looking forward to your thoughts and experience in the artisan world! Once again...welcome to TSC!
Welcome on Uncle Jon! Glad you decided to hang out with us!

Whats your favorite setup currently?
How exciting to have you here. I am sure you have plenty to share, the Cadre is lucky to have you here. I think you’ll find we are very welcoming to artisans like you.

I’m not sure we have many (any?) head shavers, maybe you’ll start a trend!
Welcome Jon! I have a couple of your soaps and love them. Running low on my Gravity though!

Explore the site and let us know if you have any questions. Happy to have a head shaver around! Do you use a straight or DE for your head shaves?
Welcome to TSC from a fellow newbie to the forum. This is a great group.
Welcome to the Cadre Uncle Jon's! Great to see you find our little nook in the interwebz!