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August West

TSC Yoda
Any tea lovers here? I am thinking about drinking tea to help calm my fevered mind. I never really cared for the pharmaceutical stuff the VA prescribed. Any tips would be appreciated?
Seriously though. I am by no means an expert on tea. However, for just a good old cup of it in the evening, sometime after my evening meal. I enjoy a nice cup of green tea. I am inclined to go with Sencha green tea. It's a mild green tea, low on caffeine, rich in antioxidants. There have been studies on the use of Sencha and supposedly helps in the reduction of inflammation as well as other things.

I have recently been turned on to Kenyan Purple tea also. This tea has the same kind of flavonoids that blueberries have and has the most antioxidants of any tea. Lots of good benefits, including anti-inflammatory and cognitive benefits.

I will admit that I don't know if these two teas specifically have calming or anti "feverish mind" properties. But I do find that just the act of sitting down with a warm cup of tea in the evening helps me reflect on the day and calm myself before sleep. Hope this helps.
I love tea, but clearly not an detailed aficionado in terms of description, I buy all the stuff, read the guidance and enjoy the brew..
Tea is enjoyable for me depending on the flavors (chai, milk tea, or Genmaicha aka toasted rice tea are my favorite). I usually only partake on super cold night before bed or when I’m sick. It’s good but it’s not calming for me at all.
Its 10pm and i just finished my evening green.

my wife is less enthusiastic about all the different types i brew during the afternoon and sometimes with dinner but our green in the evening is a tradition.

a recent tea/coffe combo drink was a dirty cappuccino. Really good.