The Shaving Cadre

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Straight Razor Puzzle


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
I just found this puzzle on Chris Ramsey's page. He's a magician, and solves new puzzles on camera every week, and I find him pretty entertaining.

So, what do you think about this as a method of keeping your razors safe from being opened by kids and other folks you don't want opening your razors???

The concept behind the straight razor puzzle is pretty cool. Rather than make it more difficult by having three beads to contend with a single bead requiring you to tip the razor one its side or heel/toe down would be a clever way to "safely" store a razor. Provided of course you don't ding the blade on the bead...
Still interesting puzzle. He must be good at problem solving skills. Quick solution found
He is. He routinely solves Level 10 puzzles, which are the hardest, and one of a kind puzzles. Doing so many, he also knows what to look for so the solutions come much easier for him.
Interesting idea. I think I would just prefer keeping the razors IN something that's tricky to open so they are not a pain to shave with. Second puzzle was cool too