The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Some people's worst nightmare

Love it! That would be neat to see.

The article states, “The spiders are not venomous,” which is not correct. They are venomous, but their venom, while painful, is not harmful or deadly to people.


I got to shoot one of those!!!!! They are awesome! Got to do it twice. It was an old WWII model that takes a "match" to start it. They are in a cartridge and only burn for about 6 seconds when triggered. The guy that had it at the demo stood behind me and held the pack to make sure I didn't fall over the first time. It's a mix of diesel fuel and something else I think under very high pressure, so it had a pretty good "kick" to it when you pulled the second trigger.
A little later in the day, I saw him again and he told me he had one match left if I wanted to shoot it again. Well I wasn't turning that down! He stood behind me like the first time, I pulled the first trigger to light it, pulled the second to start burning up the old car that was there and it got hot! The first time you definitely felt heat from it, but this time I think I got sunburn and singed hairs from it, but I didn't want to quit. I got done with the tank ( about 15 seconds to empty it) and turned around to see him about 30 feet behind me. He just laughed and said "Boy that one got hot!"

Awesome experience though! I'll never forget that one. Felt like Beavis.