The Shaving Cadre

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Skinflint Bowl


Shave Member
Well, awhile back my Walmart $1.00 plastic salsa bowl cracked in the bottom and instead of replacing it I started using a KFC mashed potatoes/cole slaw bowl. Granted, it was a tad small, but worked as I only use a bowl for soap samples mainly preferring to lather out of a tub. Anyway, the other day I was in a Dollar Tree staring at empty shelves when a cat food bowl caught my eye and I thought I'd look for a new shave soap bowl. I meandered over to the area where they sold bowls and Shazam!!!! They had these!!

The medium sized one is just perfect and only $1.00!!!!
I’ve used something similar. It was too smooth for my tastes. I prefer a bit more texture in my bowl.