The Shaving Cadre

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Shower Shavers Step Forward


First Responder
Ok, any shower shavers out there? If you shave in the shower step forward
I'd love to hear about rather you think you get better shaves in there or out at the sink.

The reason I ask is that once a week, for time crunch purposes, I have to shave in the shower and I think I'm getting the best shaves there. I know it's all the constant prep in the wet shower environment, but don't be shy, show yourself and shed some light on what your shaving routine is. I can't be the only one.

Well, there's no mirror in there. Plus doing a cold water shave would take on a whole different feel.
As you shower shavers step forward please do not slip and fall.
I am guessing our lady members may be shower shavers. If so, I would be very curious to learn how they deal with making and using lather in the shower.

I haven't shaved in the shower for a long, long time. I have never had luck with the mirrors made for the shower. When I did shave in the shower I had a Gillette DE I would use when the cartridges would turn violent. I was never able to manage a lather (foam) so I was left to shave with water only...not pleasant.
Until I gut and restructure and remodel the master bathroom (SOON) there isn't enough room in that tiny shower stall to even consider it. I like a sink shave regardless
I used to shave in the shower, back in my Mach 3 days. Would use hair conditioner as my "lather", which works fantastically. Now a days, I wouldn't dream of shaving my face in the shower. I like to take a bit more time, and that would be a huge waste of water.
Never been a de shower shaver. Back when I used carts, I always shaved in the shower, just a more efficient use of my time. As I'm shampooing my hair, I would lather my face with the shampoo, then shave in under 60 seconds. Most days it was probably under 30 seconds. Rinse hair & face & get out of the shower ready for the day.
I am guessing our lady members may be shower shavers. If so, I would be very curious to learn how they deal with making and using lather in the shower.

I haven't shaved in the shower for a long, long time. I have never had luck with the mirrors made for the shower. When I did shave in the shower I had a Gillette DE I would use when the cartridges would turn violent. I was never able to manage a lather (foam) so I was left to shave with water only...not pleasant.

So far I leave my lather outside the shower and down near the floor so it remains where the cool air is. That works better. When I had it in the shower, the lather disappeared and it wasn't very pleasant. I find the tallow soaps have the hardest time int he shower.

I used to shave in the shower, back in my Mach 3 days. Would use hair conditioner as my "lather", which works fantastically. I like to take a bit more time, and that would be a huge waste of water.

Yes, it could waste water. I have a shower head that allows me to shut it off so I do that while using the body soap so my thinking is that the two balance out. I do it so my wife have plenty of hot water when she enters the bathroom. I'm already still in the bathroom when she's ready to use the sink so she's been gracious. Our paths never crossed in the bathroom most mornings until I started wet shaving. She's supportive though and loves the scents.
Doug was the lone 3017'r and has a bunch of us joining for a month...................maybe you could start.......................oh never mind ??
Yeah I got suckered twice into getting the Sharper Image Fogless shower back in the day.

Never worked plus couldnt position jt well enough. Oh and the shower water kept taking the lather off.

Once tried blind showering. By feel only. Not a bad experience. But basically had to finish at sink anyway.
My anti-fog was taken away from my wife cleaning it with windex but I find a light smearing of bar soap makes it anti-fog again for months. And for those of you thinking "How the heck is Mike seeing if it's smeared with soap?" It doesn't hurt it a bit and it clears right up - weird thing but it works. Just did a cart shave in the shower this morning due to being pressed for time. I'm noticing it's not as nice now that I'm using the QShave razor. It still gets me BBS but doesn't last as long as my DE.