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Should 16 year olds vote?

The Monkey

"I See the Good in Every Shave"
It's really hard not to make this a political post. But what I'll say is I think we all know why Pelosi is for this. And yes the comments were funny
It's really hard not to make this a political post. But what I'll say is I think we all know why Pelosi is for this. And yes the comments were funny
Is she REALLY? She can’t be serious. Not only do I not think 16 year olds should be allowed I think today’s 18-21 crowd should be excluded. I could go on about how our ignorant and ill informed electorate (all ages) has all but handed the keys to the asylum to the inmates (no political party excluded here) but I think there is a more obvious reason to exclude sub-21 year olds. SOCIAL MEDIA! To keep this from becoming a debate about the truthfulness or accuracy of the message I will just point out that social media has been used to convince an alarming number of people the earth is actually flat. The same social media has influenced the masses on such things as vaccines, con-trails (turning them into chem-trails), Moon landing, Holocaust etc. ...all while we literally erase true history (good and bad) from our physical world because it offends the delicate psyche of those who would rather ignore and repeat than recognize and learn from our history. Imagine what would become of our world when politicians bent on obtaining or keeping power engage in social media mis-information campaigns aimed at high school freshmen?

While we’re at can a generation raised on South Park and MTV’s jack-ass be offended by so many things?
Let us not forget about the tide-pod-challenge...

No joke, the tide-pod-challenge resulted in mandated changes packaging, extra warning labels and stores installing cages to lock up the product.
To be fair the people that grew up with south park and jackass are more like 25+ at this point. And honestly I think it is more that the people teaching them they should be offended is the real problem.
I just it was funny the stories that were being told about what people were doing at 16. I don't think it is a generational thing. I'm sure I was doing things just as stupid at 16 as those who are 16 now.
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Most Americans are totally ignorant involving the history of voter enfranchisement in the USA. The Founding Fathers could not agree on who should be allowed to vote so it was left up to the states. Needless to say, the Founders never in their wildest dreams envisioned everyone having a vote and need I add that we today are living their worst nightmare.

Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good.

H.L. Mencken
Enough medical research has been done to prove the human brain is not full developed until we reach our early 20’s. When I was a teenager, I was a total idiot. Thinking back on what my priorities were and the things I did make me cringe. I have two teenagers at home now. Even though I love them to death, they’re idiots too. Their screwed up priorities and lack of global awareness is just as bad as mine were at their age. I’m sure glad I didn’t get to vote at 16. And I don’t want them to either.
Allowing someone to vote does not mean they WILL vote. Our current voter turnout is frighteningly pathetic, adding a new group of eligible voters would make those numbers look even worse. My cynical mind tells me the lack of voter engagement is a blessing in disguise because including the opinions and input of those that aren't showing up to the polls would only make things worse. Strictly speaking the theory of democracy implies that when EVERYONE'S opinion is registered our government will more accurately reflect the values and desires of our nations people. Practically speaking, on the whole our political representatives don't seem to intend to reflect OUR values and desires anyway.

Here's a few thoughts to ponder...If the voting age is reduced to 16 what do you think the likelihood is that they WILL exercise their right to vote? What do you think the likelihood that the PARENTS will fill out the mail in ballot (or mark the voter guide) for the child thus doubling or tripling the PARENTS influence at the ballot box?

And I like the quote you provided @Bogeyman. I think it was H.L. Menken that said something about those that profess a desire to save humanity almost always really intend to rule it. or something like that. Kind of cynical but probably more true than I would like to think.
Allowing someone to vote does not mean they WILL vote. Our current voter turnout is frighteningly pathetic, adding a new group of eligible voters would make those numbers look even worse. My cynical mind tells me the lack of voter engagement is a blessing in disguise because including the opinions and input of those that aren't showing up to the polls would only make things worse. Strictly speaking the theory of democracy implies that when EVERYONE'S opinion is registered our government will more accurately reflect the values and desires of our nations people. Practically speaking, on the whole our political representatives don't seem to intend to reflect OUR values and desires anyway.

Here's a few thoughts to ponder...If the voting age is reduced to 16 what do you think the likelihood is that they WILL exercise their right to vote? What do you think the likelihood that the PARENTS will fill out the mail in ballot (or mark the voter guide) for the child thus doubling or tripling the PARENTS influence at the ballot box?

And I like the quote you provided @Bogeyman. I think it was H.L. Menken that said something about those that profess a desire to save humanity almost always really intend to rule it. or something like that. Kind of cynical but probably more true than I would like to think.
I have a feeling that if the age was lowered that they would provide voting at the schools and make it a part of the school day.
I have a feeling that if the age was lowered that they would provide voting at the schools and make it a part of the school day.

Why of course!!! Get a free pair of Nike shoes and ice cream...............IF you vote for my candidate!! :rolleyes:;)