The Shaving Cadre

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Shea Butter Versus Cocoa Butter

The Chambers Man

Chamber Shave Company
Hey all!

I am glad to be a part of The Shaving Cadre! I am a recent Artisan (within the last 12 months) of which I have had the pleasure of working with Chris on a few cool ideas. I will also mention my good buddy Dave here as he has been a great mentor with respect to all things Wet Shaving.

I am going to switch gears here a bit a I am making a Hair Pomade and have been using Cocoa butter. I must say I started with the raw Cocoa butter which to most chocolate lovers they would like it... but.. I don't want to walk around with a chocolate bar taped to my head.

So... I started using white/filtered Cocoa butter and have achieved some pretty cool results. However... I am looking to use Shea Butter instead because of the cost. Before I dive into testing... have any of you tried this?
If you saw how short my hair is, you'd understand I don't use Pomade but want t Welcome you to the Cadre Tim. Nice to have you aboard. Others with hair will chime in when they wake up ?
I’m with you on the desire to avoid smelling like an Ooma loomp who just got off work. Raw Cocoa butter is a tough one to get past the scent.

I have a sensitive scalp that is always looking for a reason to break out or get gooey so aside from scent I would be most concerned with choosing a butter that is least likely to cause break outs. To that end I would think the lighter the oil the better. I personally have an aversion to cocoa butter so I would be much happier to see Shea butter used (assuming they both work the same). I know several guys here regularly apply raw shave butter after a shave but I’ve not heard any who rub on cocoa butter. I know there is a heafty price difference between cocoa and shae so if you can achieve the right texture with shae butter it makes sense to try it. I have tried making mustache wax using cocoa butter, bees wax and petroleum AND I’ve done it with both shae butter and cocoa butter. I found the cocoa butter to be too rich. Not only did I have trouble getting past the smell it made my skin too greasy. I would rub someon my ‘Stache only to end up with greasy cheeks all the way to my ears. I get the same greasy effect from Murray’s pomade.
Welcome Tim!

Very neat way to branch out in products by going for hair care! I don’t have much experience with pomade, it doesn’t seem to hold my hair as well or last as long as a good gel. My hair can be pretty stubborn! Now, I’ve never used specialty stuff before mind you, only cheap, readily available products from places like Target. I keep trying a pomade here and there though in hopes of finding one that suits me.

I’m sure Jim and some others may be able to aid you in your project!
First of all Tim welcome to the cadre happy to have you here. Take a look around and let us know if you have any questions. I can't help answer your questions I use pretty readily available hair care products.
Hey all!

I am glad to be a part of The Shaving Cadre! I am a recent Artisan (within the last 12 months) of which I have had the pleasure of working with Chris on a few cool ideas. I will also mention my good buddy Dave here as he has been a great mentor with respect to all things Wet Shaving.

I am going to switch gears here a bit a I am making a Hair Pomade and have been using Cocoa butter. I must say I started with the raw Cocoa butter which to most chocolate lovers they would like it... but.. I don't want to walk around with a chocolate bar taped to my head.

So... I started using white/filtered Cocoa butter and have achieved some pretty cool results. However... I am looking to use Shea Butter instead because of the cost. Before I dive into testing... have any of you tried this?

Welcome Tim,

You should end up with similar results as the cocoa butter especially if you're making a medium to heavy hold product.
Welcome Tim glad to have you here, although I may be a bit bias, LOL
Welcome Tim to the Cadre! The pomade decisions should be interesting...keep us informed...this will be interesting to follow!