The Shaving Cadre

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Shaving every other day?


I Blame Dave
I usually shave everyday but more recently I have skipped a day here and there. Usually I skip because I am pushed for time and have no plans to be anywhere in particular. I did it again this weekend, skipped Saturday and shaved Sunday morning as normal. I have noticed a few things occur when I skip a day or two, some I like and some I don't.

One thing I don't like is the feel of a 36 hour beard, especially when I am working outside in the intense heat. To be fair, a close shave in the morning can be a little uncomfortable in the heat too. A weekend beard also has the tendency to rub the neckline of my tshirts making them pill up a bit, this is one reason I have always shaved even when I have no major plans.

I do like how close the shave feels when I finally shave but I struggle to say it is any better than the shave I would have gotten had I shaved on schedule. Oddly enough I have found the shave following a multiday growth lasts longer. This mornings growth was enough to warrant a shave but just barely. ...and this made the shave a little less exciting. call? Shave everyday. I think I get the best and most consistent results when I shave every morning.

What about you?
I did the every other day thing for a few months, chasing that baby on days when I did shave. But I found that it became frustrating waiting to shave for a day. So I began shaving every day once again, but cutting out the ATG and clean-up passes in favor of the WTG and opposing direction XTG passes; one favoring the WTG and one favoring the ATG. I've found that I get a good (not great) result, generally DFS or DFS+, very little chance of irritation, and enough growth to allow me to shave the next day comfortably without risking additional irritation.
Shaving every other day...... Why Would You Do That????

I absolutely hate skipping a shave. It only happens a few times a year. This morning I was pressed for time, and I only did one pass. Halfway through the day and I already dislike the way my face feels.
I have way too much soap to shave every other day.
I shaved every other day the first couple years of my traditional shaving journey.

My facial hair is a bit too patchy to grow anything except a fu manchu or a fly, so I made the decision to try and stay reasonably shaven. I’d always have some irritating scruff on the off day and I was always looking forward to that next day shave. For some reason I never made the switch until this year. I think it was just fear of more cuts, irritation, etc.

I don’t regret moving to every day though, because I enjoy having the shave in my daily routine. There was more irritation in the beginning, but my face and technique adjusted after a week or so. I also had the thought for a while that my every other day shaves were much closer, but now I’m thinking it was an illusion of sorts because of the scruff I dealt with on off days.
I have way too much soap to shave every other day.

Plus a nice smooth face with no scruff at all is an accomplishment and feels great.

This year I've challenged myself to 365 shaves. A few times I've thought what's the point? Nobody but me cares if I do that or not. But since I'm on track through over half the year, I'll probably stick to it. I'm curious to see if I appreciate it in the end.
I'm not going to say I shave every other day...but I don't shave everyday either. I do like the way my skin feels after a day or two of there's that. But I also like spending time in the morning preparing for the day with some lather on my face and cold steel against my skin!
I love the feeling of having a shave every day. It is one of the things that helps me wake up in the morning.
I enjoy shaving every day. I usually have nothing I need to be clean shaven for, but I enjoy the shaving experience so I don't like skipping. It's something I do for myself. That said, I will skip a day every 2 weeks or so, usually a Saturday.
I have skipped a couple days here and there recently. I do try to be an everyday shaver though. I just find it gets itchy when not smooth.
I usually shave everyday but more recently I have skipped a day here and there. Usually I skip because I am pushed for time and have no plans to be anywhere in particular.

I normally take one night a week off from shaving (usually Fri night, but could be Saturday... or none at all depending on the schedule & going on.

One thing I don't like is the feel of a 36 hour beard, especially when I am working outside in the intense heat.

I feel the same way. I've always joked that my stubble doesn't quite grow fast enough for the razor to get a good "bite" on the whiskers if I shave every day, but the growth is fast enough that I really look un-kept by noon on the 2nd day if I don't. Hence, though I normally take Fri night off from the razor, I'll shave that night if I have something going on the next day for which I need to be presentable.

I do like how close the shave feels when I finally shave but I struggle to say it is any better than the shave I would have gotten had I shaved on schedule. Oddly enough I have found the shave following a multiday growth lasts longer. This mornings growth was enough to warrant a shave but just barely.

I have no doubt that I get a closer shave after not shaving for a day. And that's been my experience w/ the DE, the SR (I just tend to get less shoddy results than usual after a no-shave day), and going back to my Sensor/ SensorXL/ Trac II days.

So, in general, I take Fri night off. But it all depends on what's going on. If I feel the need to shave but am pressed for time, I might just use the electric... or take another night off... or both. And I don't always take all the gear with me when I'm travelling - especially if it's just a night or two on a busy trip while travelling light. (The electric shaver was just too compact, quick, & easy not to use on a recent overnight trip to Escondido, CA.)

At least, that's my two cents. To quote Dennis Miller, "But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong."