The Shaving Cadre

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Saint Charles Shave has closed..... :( :( :(


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
I was just going to their site to check out some things, and read that on June 9th, Wendy closed the shop down. So sad to hear this as they were one of my favorites, and like Honey Bee Soaps, SCS was one of the original soap makers for us in the hobby. Thier Fairway soap was one of my absolute favorites and has now become unobtanium.....

Read for yourself here:
That's another one i hadn't got around to checking out yet. bummer.
Image result for NOOOO GIF

I was literally going to be ordering a replacement of Fairway soon, I am down to half a puck! WHY?!?!?! @CBLindsay WE NEED FAIRWAY!
Well, that is sad to read but it's a good thing that is was a conscious decision for Wendy et al to focus time on family as the reason for closing rather than lack of sales. I guess I will pack away my few pucks (multiples of Fairway and Sandalwood) for special periodic use.
I seem to recall a couple close approximations of fairway are out there but there will only be one original.
They will be missed but at least there are other options available today, imagine if they had closed years ago how it would feel.