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Questions About iKon Razors


TSC Yoda
Concierge Emeritus
Good morning Ladies and Gents-

I have a couple of questions in regards to iKon Razors. As many of you know, I love stainless steel razors and I actually own a couple iKon razor heads (and at one time a handle), but have little knowledge of them. I know that they were based in Texas, with their shipping warehouse in New Jersey. Their prices for stainless steel razors/parts are much more competitive than I would have expected, especially for machined razors, but I would attribute this to that they are manufactured in Thailand, not North America.

As far as shave goes - I find them to provide a decent shave.

I don’t have social media accounts so that is all I know about them - I did find a Forbes article dating back to 2015 - but the only information I found new - was that the owner apparently was an engineer and lived in Thailand. Their website provides very limited details on their parts - some explain that they are 316L Stainless Steel - others don’t mention the materials.

The reason why I have questions is for two things: (1) while I see some SOTD posts every once in a while - I see very little else. Given that they had a story in Forbes - I would think this would be a huge feather in their cap and given the competitive prices they have, that this would equate to more use/SOTD mentions. Heck, do a search on YouTube - and the videos are sporadic at best - a few in the past year - then it is several years to almost a decade.

(2) While perusing for stainless steel razors as I am wont to from time to time - I came across a listing for a first run and for what I saw - quite a sticker shock. While I understand anything first run would command a higher price for collectors - - there doesn’t appear to have been a large following or a sort of awe around them (for example Wolfman is a very small operation - but there are few in the shaving Community that have not heard of them). While their parts are well crafted - they don’t appear to be this unbelievable machine tolerance - see Wolfman above or Henson razors. They don’t seem to be part of the razor vernacular / royalty per se - such as Gillette, Schick, Ever Ready, Filarmonica, Simpson, etc). And they aren’t really old /vintage - say a Gillette or GEM razor. And it isn’t like the first time releases at the time they were released were that expensive. The only real difference I can tell between what they sell now and the first runs - is that the first runs had serial numbers.

Please I apologize if I offended anyone in my description - if they are the bee knees (and my experience with my new versions have been positive) - then great. I am just asking from a collectibility stand-point. Again, first runs I get it, having serial numbers - completely understand. Just to give a comparison - the prices I have seen are above what I acquired my Gillette Toggle - which was in decent shape).

Does anyone know a bit more about this manufacturer (I hesitate to use artisan - I don’t know where the line is drawn - I don’t know how much the owner was involved in the design and development - I would imagine greatly, but I don’t know)? Was there a demand at one time and now its just tapered off? Is there a reason for the relative quiet on these products? Are there differences between the first runs and now (other than serial numbers) - were they similar to a Karve back in the day so to speak?
I’ve only owned 2 iKon razors before…the El Jefe and the x3 slant. I don’t think they were machined and I don’t believe them to be 316 steel but some kind of mystery metal…or at least some kind of mold injected steel a la Supply/Rockwell.

They seem to have been a fad for a while but now just have their dedicated fan base now that they’re no longer in the shaving spotlight.
I’ve only owned 2 iKon razors before…the El Jefe and the x3 slant. I don’t think they were machined and I don’t believe them to be 316 steel but some kind of mystery metal…or at least some kind of mold injected steel a la Supply/Rockwell.

They seem to have been a fad for a while but now just have their dedicated fan base now that they’re no longer in the shaving spotlight.

It’s bizarre just looking at their prices - I’d say it is inline with a lot of Italian Barber offerings
The owner is Gregg Kahn and I believe he is from New York. I was one of the first to buy his razors when he was living in Thailand. At that time I used to communicate with him very late at night. He lived in Thailand with his family and ran a small machine shop but made his razors the old fashion way by machining. CNC machining was not available at the time. This might go all the way back to 2006. He sold me some original one of a kind stainless steel razors. Unfortunately we had a falling out and I sold all of the razors I had. I think all his razors are sintered and not CNC machined thus the low price. I heard his stainless steel handles are still made in Thailand but I am not positive. I believe he lives in the New York area but when he moved back to the USA he lived in Austin. He is an Engineer by trade but I guess the razor business has done well by him. Personality aside the guy knows how to make razors. I should mention all the razors he made in Thailand were stainless steel. To me he is the first to do that.
The owner is Gregg Kahn and I believe he is from New York. I was one of the first to buy his razors when he was living in Thailand. At that time I used to communicate with him very late at night. He lived in Thailand with his family and ran a small machine shop but made his razors the old fashion way by machining. CNC machining was not available at the time. This might go all the way back to 2006. He sold me some original one of a kind stainless steel razors. Unfortunately we had a falling out and I sold all of the razors I had. I think all his razors are sintered and not CNC machined thus the low price. I heard his stainless steel handles are still made in Thailand but I am not positive. I believe he lives in the New York area but when he moved back to the USA he lived in Austin. He is an Engineer by trade but I guess the razor business has done well by him. Personality aside the guy knows how to make razors. I should mention all the razors he made in Thailand were stainless steel. To me he is the first to do that.
Thank you for that background sir! I hadn’t realized he went all the way back to the early naughts! I can see how the group selling the originals is pricing them