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QShave Razor Issues


First Responder
I spoke about this issue in my shaving journal, but not everyone want to be bored and read that every day so I though I'd pose the questions here as well.

All of a sudden, this week I'm having gap consistency issues with my QShave (Merkur Futur Clone). One side of the DE will be wicked mild while the other side is wicked aggressive. 2 shaves in a row with different blades has shown this behavior so I'm pretty confident it's the razor. Anyone had this problem before and can shed some light on how I fix it? I was getting the best shaves of my life with this razor prior to this week. When I look at the blade I'm not seeing a huge difference in gap and the blade gap between the blade and the guard is equal the whole length of the blade so it's not a case of the blade being out of alignment in that way.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
I don't think it is fixable. I do know that many have reported that there just quality control issues on that razor. Thankfully it is cheap. You might get lucky and have a good one, or you get a bad one. Some guys have bought multiples just to get the one they want.

I have a good one.
I may just be in the market to buy a Parker Variant. They seem to be a solid DE razor by what I've read. I was loving the Qshave but I'm not sure this problem can be solved. Time to quality up I guess.
That is a strange situation. It seems like the way the qshave is constructed would not allow it to be wonky like that. Maybe if you have been using it a lot it needs to be cleaned, perhaps a moving piece is stuck.
That was pretty helpful Dave, thanks for finding that. Pretty simple to take apart. I flipped the spring over because I read that some people were able to fix their problem that way. The blade exposure and gap looks dead on now. I'll see tomorrow morning I guess
A lot of people solved their problem with cutting shims to hold the blade tighter and raise up the side that's lower. I'll wait on that and see what happens tomorrow morning. Since it's spring operated, it probably would be a good idea to store it at a setting that allows the spring to relax the most which I think would be a 6.0 setting. Not sure on that one though.