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Post shave


Possibly Ironman
Someone, (ahem @Cvargo ) mentioned starting a thread about post shave feel from shave soap and if it was important or not.
Since I haven't seen it pop up yet (of course that could be my bad, if so sorry for calling you out Chad 😜) and was curious of the thoughts of others as well, I thought I would start one.

Chad mentioned post shave wasn't important to him in a shave soap as he uses other products to make up for it. (Not that that's bad in any way of course.)

For me personally, it is important. I'm sure a lot of you have heard it before, but I have fairly dry skin and work in somewhat extreme conditions. Definitely variable conditions. I also don't use much for post shave products. Until quite recently, it was only aftershave. I have added a "maximum hydrator" to my post shave routine. Most moisturizers feel greasy to me, and too much glycerine leaves my face very sticky and feeling like it can't "breathe".
So for me and my minimal aftershave care, soaps like Lisa's, CBL, and Mystic Waters that have a really good post shave feel are my top soaps.

So the question up for discussion is, how important is post shave feel from a soap to you and why/why not?
Yes Shawn thanks for starting this lol! I had plans!

Anywho... For me I guess the biggest thing is I follow up with a splash and a face lotion. So how important is post shave in soap? Isn't your aftershave regimen more important?

I put slickness and latherability higher up on my list
My thing with post shave feel is that I don't want to feel squeaky clean and dry right after a shave. I want a soap that leaves me face feeling soft and somewhat hydrated. That's why I often take left-over soap and paint my face (Ha! you thought I was going to give another sermon on mammoth painting didn't ya!). I cold rinse that off last painting off and it really gives you some residual goodness with tallow soaps. I do use face lotion also so I guess I'm really into post shave care.

I do think post shave routines have their effects on post shave feel. Take for instance if I were to have really good post shave feel from my soap and then splash on WH, I feel that strips off most of the soap's goodness and residual feel. I almost think if you are into post shave feel from your soaps that you just have to shave, rinse and go without anything further or you risk screwing up that soap post shave feel. Maybe Shawn @ShawnF could elaborate more. Ever use anything on your face after shaving? This is a good topic.....especially for those of us with less experience.
I'm with Shawn on this one. I like my Humphreys and an aftershave but I appreciate when a soap has a good post shave feel that is done correctly not just stuff leaving me greasy feeling or clogging up pores. But feeling hydrated and soft. I realize ones will differ on this and I'd say a lot will be on how greasy or dry their skin is. I don't want to leave it all to an aftershave because not many do them well so they don't leave me feeling like it left a film on my skin.
Slickness is definitely important and a top priority as well since I use straights a lot.

I never used to use anything but an aftershave. Normally Captains Choice because I never was really big on them. Until I started "wetshaving" I hadn't used one in about 25 years. Only recently have I gotten more than just the CC. So I really had no post shave routine. About a month ago, the boss got a sample of some hydrator by Clinique Men that I reluctantly tried. It actually turned out to be really good so I got some. That is the only thing I do now other than AS.
As Dave said, I don't want to leave it all up to a splash that makes me feel clogged or greasy. I tried a Through The Fire or whatever it was that was loaded with glycerine and felt disgusting on my face. (Smelled great though.)

My skin will suck the moisture out of quite a few lathers. Most vegan soaps won't even work for me as they dry out and lose their slickness. I can do a 2 pass DE shave in about 4 minutes. I have made Prorasso so wet it was on the verge of breaking down and it will dry to flaky before I'm done with half of a pass. SV doesn't work for me. Neither does Nuavia, SS, and a few others. So it's not just "cheap" stuff, even the high end stuff I have trouble with.
Sad part is that I shave right out of the shower, so there really isn't much else to do to hydrate pre-shave. I tried pre-shave oil briefly, but it made soaps harder to lather, and did nothing to improve anything else.

I know I'm probably a bit of an extreme case. That's why when Chad mentioned this, I thought it would be an interesting topic to hear other opinions on.
I'm in the indifferent camp. Part of it might be where I'm living and my routine. I almost always use a splash or balm, so post shave feel from a soap isn't super necessary. But I hate using Proraso because dries my face like nobody's business almost instantly; that's one of the reasons I don't grab it very often. Other than that, it's just not that important.

I'm also not sensitive to some of the ingredients found in common post shave products (alcohol, WH, etc.)

What I have noticed after starting to lay attention is that, like @ShawnF, I'm really starting to value slickness more and more as I very slowly start using my straights. Slickness also makes a more comfortable shave for me.
For me I guess the biggest thing is I follow up with a splash and a face lotion. So how important is post shave in soap? Isn't your aftershave regimen more important?
I totally get your point Chad. Yes, obviously the most important part of a shave soap is it's shavability...... does it have attributes such as slickness and cushion that allow you to get a good, close, and comfortable shave. Having said that, if you have a soap that also leaves your face feeling good afterwards, that's just a bonus.

I don't look at soaps with good post shave feel as being part of my "aftershave" regimen... but they do add an assist.

Recently I had completely fallen for CBL Tonsorial. It just leaves my skin feeling near perfect, not dry and not overly moisturized. This was the perfect platform for choosing an easy post shave product. But lately, the weather has gotten cold and the air dryer. Now, all of the sudden, my face is still feeling dry after my post shave (which is usually just a splash). Now I feel the need to go for a balm after my splash. I really don't like using balms if I don't have to. I much prefer splashes. And I'm picking a splash mostly for the scent, and adding a balm or lotion on top is changing the desired scent...... so, if I switch to a soap with better post shave feel (like CBL Premium or LNHC), them my skin is better hydrated and the splash is (once again) all I need for a post shave.
I totally get your point Chad. Yes, obviously the most important part of a shave soap is it's shavability...... does it have attributes such as slickness and cushion that allow you to get a good, close, and comfortable shave. Having said that, if you have a soap that also leaves your face feeling good afterwards, that's just a bonus.

I don't look at soaps with good post shave feel as being part of my "aftershave" regimen... but they do add an assist.

Recently I had completely fallen for CBL Tonsorial. It just leaves my skin feeling near perfect, not dry and not overly moisturized. This was the perfect platform for choosing an easy post shave product. But lately, the weather has gotten cold and the air dryer. Now, all of the sudden, my face is still feeling dry after my post shave (which is usually just a splash). Now I feel the need to go for a balm after my splash. I really don't like using balms if I don't have to. I much prefer splashes. And I'm picking a splash mostly for the scent, and adding a balm or lotion on top is changing the desired scent...... so, if I switch to a soap with better post shave feel (like CBL Premium or LNHC), them my skin is better hydrated and the splash is (once again) all I need for a post shave.

This is pretty much my view as well - in shave performance is the priority, but soap that leaves my face feeling better after the shave is a bonus! I adjust my post shave routine to suit. :)
Post shave is very important to me. Frankly most of the soaps I use with a good post are better than any lotion, which tends to just be greasy feeling on my skin. The first time I went from big brand inexpensive soaps to a soap with good post shave, was a game changer for me, and I don't see ever going back as long as such soaps are out there.

For sure, there is a huge range in soap feels, for example CBL has a totally different feel than say Declaration Grooming. And that I suppose it a matter of personal preference or just liking to experience different soaps. But there are a couple of soaps that just work for me, and I tend not to go too many days without using them or I feel my skin starts to remind me it's time to use them.
I personally believe that the post shave feel from a really good soap is better than almost any aftershave/balm/serum that I have tried. I do like a good aftershave also to add to the post shave experience, but I still contend that a great soap is better than any aftershave.
For me, as long as my face feels at least as good as it did when i get out of the shower then i can hit the AS and be great. I don't mind have some good stuff in the soap to have the face feel good pre AS as long as it isn't at the expense of slickness. if you kill the slickness in favor of post shave then you have made a soap not worth using as a shave soap.