The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

*** Planned Site maintenance ***


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
Hello Cadre,

We hope that you are all doing well. We are just a little over a month away from hitting our 1 year anniversary. With that comes change, and that change will be beginning soon! Over the course of the next couple of weeks you might notice some changes, slowness, or periods where the site is down. We are going to do our best to keep these to a minimum and at periods of low traffic on the site.

We recommend that you follow us on Facebook, if there is slowness or if the site is down for a period of time, we are going to provide ETA's and updates on our Facebook page. Otherwise all updates will happen in this thread.

We promise that these changes are going to be a positive and we are confident that TSC will be even better after this takes place.

We are anticipating that this will begin this weekend on 2/9/2019 and it has the potential to go for the next couple of weeks.

If you are not on facebook, check your e-mail. We sent you a separate way to contact us.

We thank you for your support, membership, friendship, and patience during the next couple of weeks.

Thank you,

Chad, Chris, and Dave
We will all come out stronger LOL!

And hopefully IF there is downtime it is short lived.
Man, I just saw this, and thought it was starting already!

Just wanted to say that things are going well, and so far you all should not have noticed anything. Things are ramping up on the back end and we are making excellent progress. Kudos to Chris Lindsay as he has been doing a LOT of the leg work!
Thought I would bring this to the first page so that others who haven't seen it could...
We are indeed doing quite a bit behind the scenes that will soon be noticeable. Like NurseDave we have been painting and cleaning so we look and feel spring fresh when the snow and rain stops. (We don’t actually KNOW why Dave paints so much). We expect there will be some downtime in the future but it’s surprising how backend upgrades can be done with no front end disturbances. We are hoping it stays that way.
Hi there, are you new?

(We don’t actually KNOW why Dave paints so much).

It covers up the blood spatters...DaveDexter you know.