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Pipe Smoking Discussions


"The Cadre Constable"
Bingo Wizard
Saw some discussion recently about pipes in Dave's Journal, and thought we should just start a thread all to it's own.

I do enjoy an occasional cigar or pipe, but I just don't do it as much as I'd like. I like the thought of sitting on my deck in the evening and just enjoying the outside, and relaxing. And I'd love to make pipes be a bigger part of that.

Pipes can be expensive, or they can be cheap. It really does not take much money to get into it, and get a decent smoke on. Just like shaving, there's a whole spectrum of enjoyment there.

I have a few vintage pipes that I still need to clean, that I got at antique stores for anywhere from $3 - $10 each. If you want to get into pipes for the first time, I highly recommend getting a Missouri Meerchaum corn cob pipe. These aren't just cheap pipes or beginner pipes, as many seasoned pipe smokers enjoy them as well. Often times you can find at least one basic corn cob pipe anyplace that cheap "drug store" pipe tobaccos are sold. Check grocery stores, liquor stores, or smoke shops.

You can also spend a lot or a little on pipe tobacco. I'm cheap, so I prefer to stay on the less expensive side. One really good starter brand, that I can find just about anywhere is Carter Hall. It's a pleasant and mild smoke.

I'm still a pipe newbie, but I look forward to hear the opinions of others, especially the more experienced of us out there about what pipes and tobacco blends they prefer.
I'll post a pic of my pipes later.

Getting outside is why I started cigars originally. I had a house in Oregon with a beautiful backyard and wildlife, but I'd get bored just sitting there. So I figured a cigar would give me a reason to be out there for an hour just enjoying.
Thanks for starting this, interested to see other folks’ stuff and ideas. I love researching hobbies like this before making any dive in.

KJ you mention vintage pipes. What process goes into making those useable? Or making sure they even are usable before leaving the shop?

I’m leaving to Carmel, CA for a weekend next month so the possibility of find one this way is real. There’s at least one high class smoke shop in town too.
KJ you mention vintage pipes. What process goes into making those useable? Or making sure they even are usable before leaving the shop?
I'm no expert, so someone please correct me if I say something wrong or incomplete.

Part of it is just seeing how much wear and tear it has, and does the stem still fit snugly. I'm not really sure what you should use to clean the outside other than soap & water. But depending on how it looks, some folks sand down and refinish the outsides. The inside it the tricky part. Previous blends can leave an aftertaste in the pipe, so you kinds want to start over with an estate pipe. This involves packing the bowl with salt, and dripping everclear into it, until the salt is just saturated, but not enough to dissolved the salt. This will help draw the old flavors out. The salt will darken as it sits overnight. The process should be repeated until it doesn't darken anymore. It can be a lengthy process and the reason I haven't done it to any of mine yet.

I'm telling you, corn cob is where it's at if you want to start.
Some of the other things to look for in the bowl is a thick cake, which would have to be reemed out, or a thin spot of burn out where they smoke it too hot.
Easy Chairs for pipes? I've seen everything now
Bean Bag chairs even!
I really think I might enjoy the whole pipe universe. I love the way pipe tobacco smells. But I am not much of a smoker. I will on occasion have a cigar...but I haven't smoked a stogie in probably 10 years. I have never smoked a cigarette...EVER...and don't intend on starting that either. Pipes are beautiful creations to me and I have much admiration for the craftsmanship of many of them.

But I am wondering what kinds of additives are in pipe tobacco. As I am sure like everything else...there are different qualities of pipe tobacco. I am sure cheaper stuff isn't as "pure" as more expensive stuff. Just curious about this in general. I know a lot of pipe tobacco is just tobacco and how it is "cured." And I am sure others have a host of stuff that probably isn't all that great. Do we have someone here who can explain the differences in the tobacco? Just curious more than anything!
Let's ask the Surgeon General if there's a difference
Sorry couldn't resist. Ducking and running. Carry on.

Okay funny guy! But seriously...not trying to start a health related argument...just wonder if there is value in better quality...
Not sure what the differences are but I'm like you Don. I've enjoyed the occasional Cigar but have never and will never touch cigarettes. But a pipe does intrigue me