The Shaving Cadre

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phillips norelco oneblade


TSC's Cheerleader
anyone else had a problem with this company when it comes to warranty service? they kept having me resend my info and then because i had to resend it multiple times to them like they asked they accused me of making multiple request and sent me a threatening letter....they even had the audacity to threaten to get local law enforcement involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! horrible people !!!! i am not recommending them any more... I have been in touch with them and it appears that each time they re requested info it gave it a new case number so i can see where they may have thought it to be multiple request but to send a letter worded the way it was is COMPLETELY uncalled for............
Phillips is a pretty large enterprise, that does not sound like something a large company would do. Are you sure you’re dealing with a legitimate customer service contact?
Wow that seems very extreme! I recently dealt with bad customer service with our home security monitoring system. Bad customer service goes a long way and not in a good way
Phillips is a pretty large enterprise, that does not sound like something a large company would do. Are you sure you’re dealing with a legitimate customer service contact?
Yes i am Certain.. Thats why i was so surprised. They had me send pics then asked for address like 5 times and we spoke online through the chat system multiple time also... It appears after i called them today that each time they would have me resubmit info it was giving it a new case number which made the appearance of multiple request on the same product and they are contacting the "part" of their business that sent the letter to try to get it "straightened out" either way i told them i was done with them as far as i was concerned.. I was basically accused of trying to scam them from what the letter stated and that they would or could take legal action with lawyers or even get the local or federal law enforcement involved since its online.. They royally pi$$ed me off. !!!!!!